KF8205.A1 N35 title 3458
Amended rules governing sales of allotted lands by the Citizen Pottawatomie, Absentee Shawnee, certain Wyandot, Peoria, Miami, and other allottees, under act of August 15, 1894 ... or under treaty stipulations. |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 3459
The American Indians answers to 101 questions. |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 3460
American Indians and the Federal Government |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 3461
American Indians and their Federal relationship plus a partial listing of other United States Indian groups. |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 3463
Answers to questions about the American Indian and suggested reading lists. |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 3464
Approved roll of Osage Indians in Oklahoma |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 3467
A Brief statement of the background of present-day Indian policy in the United States |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 3469
Annual report, revolving credit fund |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 3471
Digest of decisions relating to Indian affairs in two volumes. |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 3473
Doorway toward the light the story of the special Navajo education program / |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 3474
Establishment of roadless and wild areas on Indian reservations |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 3475
Famous Indians a collection of short biographies. |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 3476
Federal Indian policies from the colonial period through the early 1970's. |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 3478
General data concerning Indian reservations |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 3479
Governing bodies of federally recognized Indian groups (excluding Alaska) |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 3480
Governing bodies of federally recognized Indian groups (excluding Alaska) |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 3481
Governing bodies of Indian groups under federal supervision |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 3482
Governing bodies of Indian groups under federal supervision |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 3483
Half-breed scrip, Chippewas of Lake Superior the correspondence and action under the 7th clause of the 2d article of the treaty with the Chippewa Indians of Lake Superior and the Mississippi, concluded at La Pointe in the state of Wisconsin, September 30, 1854 ... including the report of the commission appointed by the Secretary of the Interior, April 21, 1871, composed of Henry S. Neal, Selden N. Clark, Edward P. Smith, and R.F. Crowell : and the report of the commission appointed July 15, 1872, composed of Thomas C. Jones, Edward P. Smith, and Dana E. King. |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 3484
Handbook for decision makers on Title I of the Indian self-determination and education assistance act |
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