Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF8205.A1 N35 title 4071 Proposed native reservation for the inhabitants of the village of Shungnak held at Kotzebue and Shungnak, Alaska, August 18 and 19, 1947. 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 4072 Reports of hearing officer on native reservations at Klukwan and Barrow, Alaska 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 4073 Transcript of hearing on proposed Kobuk Alaska native reservation held at Nome, Alaska / 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 4074 Audit report, review of contract no. K99C14200202, University of New Mexico School of Law, Albuquerque, New Mexico [(American Indian Lawyer Program)] 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 4075 Osage annuity roll contested cases opinion of Assistant Attorney-General, April 6, 1898, and report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, December 29, 1897 : also, opinion of the Assistant Attorney-General, June 15, 1898, modifying his previous opinion of April 6, 1898. 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 4082 Federal and State Indian reservations an EDA handbook / 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 4083 Alaska natives & the land 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 4084 Staff report on mineral leasing on Indian lands 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 4085 Court cases related to administration of the range resource on lands administered by the Forest Service 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 4087 Audit report to the Congress of the United States administration of individual Indian moneys by Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior / 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 4088 Impact of grants to Indian tribes under the Emergency employment act of 1971, Department of Labor report to the Subcommittee on Employment, Manpower, and Poverty, Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, United States Senate / 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 4089 Indian funds letter from the Comptroller General of the United States transmitting pursuant to law, a report of the amount of the funds of the Indians, the investment thereof, the rate of interest thereon together with comments pertinent to the uses made of such funds. 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 4090 Information on Federal programs which benefit American Indians report of the Comptroller General of the United States. 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 4093 Report on review of selected activities at certain locations of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 4094 Report of study and investigation of the funds and securities of the several Indian tribes, including those of tribal organizations, pursuant to Senate resolution no. 147, eighty second Congress 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 4095 Ceded Chippewa pine lands, Minnesota (Red Lake Reservation) instructions, minutes of examinations, and schedule of appraisements. 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 4096 Ceded Chippewa pine lands, Minnesota sale of timber on lands both inside and outside of the Minnesota National Forest at Cass Lake, Minnesota, on September 15, 1910 : instructions, descriptions of land, estimates, and rules and regulations for the selling, scaling, cutting and removal of the timber. 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 4097 Ceded Chippewa pine lands, Minnesota sale of timber on land both inside and outside of the Minnesota National Forest at Cass Lake, Minnesota, on October 21, 1911 : instructions, descriptions of land, estimates, and rules and regulations for the selling, scaling, cutting and removal of the timber. 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 4098 Ceded Chippewa pine lands, Minnesota sale of timber on lands both inside and outside of the Minnesota National Forest at Cass Lake, Minn., on July 30, 1913 : instructions, descriptions of land, estimates, and rules and regulations for the selling, scaling, cutting and removal of the timber. 1
KF8205.A1 N35 title 4099 Ceded Chippewa pine lands, Minnesota sale of timber on lands both inside and outside the Minnesota National Forest at Cass Lake, Minn., on January 20, 1917 : instructions, descriptions of land, estimates, and rules and regulations for the selling, scaling, cutting and removal of the timber. 1