KF8205.A1 N35 title 4279
Articles of agreement and convention made and concluded at the Sac and Fox agency, in the territory of Kansas, on the first day of October, eighteen hundred and fifty nine ... |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 4280
Articles of agreement and convention made and concluded at Washington City, on the fifteenth day of April, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, by and between ... the United States, and certain chiefs and delegates representing the Winnebago tribe of Indians |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 4281
Treaty between the United States and the confederated tribes and bands of Indians in middle Oregon June 25, 1855, ratified April 18, 1859. |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 4282
Treaty between the United States and the confederated tribes of Sacs and Foxes of the Mississippi made October 1, 1859, ratified July 9, 1860. |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 4283
Treaty between the United States and the Delaware Tribe of Indians concluded May 30, 1860, ratified August 22, 1860. |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 4284-4285
Treaty between the United States and the Dwamish, Suquamish, and other allied and subordinate tribes of Indians in Washington territory January 22, 1855, ratified April 11, 1859. |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 4286
Treaty between the United States and the Flathead, Kootenay, and upper Pend d'Oreilles Indians July 16, 1855, ratified April 18, 1859. |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 4287
Treaty between the United States and the Mendawakanton and Wahpakoota bands of Dakota or Sioux tribe of Indians June 19, 1858. |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 4288
Treaty between the United States and the Swan Creek and Black River Chippewas, and the Munsee or Christian Indians made July 16, 1859, ratified July 9, 1860. |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 4289
Treaty between the United States and the Yakama Nation of Indians June 9, 1855, ratified March 8, 1859. |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 4290
Treaty between the United States and the Yancton tribe of Sioux or Dacotah Indians April 19, 1858. |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 4291
Treaty between the United States of America and the Kansas tribe of Indians concluded October 5, 1859, ratified November 17, 1860. |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 4292
Treaty between the United States of America and the Makah tribe of Indians January 31, 1855, ratified April 18, 1859. |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 4293
Treaty between the United States of America and the Nez Percé Indians June 11, 1855, ratified April 29, 1859. |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 4294
Supplementary treaty between the United States of America and the Red Lake and Pembina bands of Chippewas concluded April 12, 1864, ratification advised by Senate April 21, 1864, proclaimed April 25, 1864. |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 4295
Treaty between the United States and the Winnebago Tribe of Indians concluded April 15, 1859, ratified March 23, 1861. |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 4296
Treaty between the United States of America and the Arapahoe and Cheyenne Indians of the Upper Arkansas River concluded February 18, 1861, ratified, with amendment, August 6, 1861, amendement accepted October 29, 1861, proclaimed December 5, 1861. |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 4297
Treaty between the United States of America and the Chippewas of the Mississippi and the Pillager and Lake Winibigoshish bands of Chippewa Indians in Minnesota concluded March 11, 1863, ratification advised, with amendments, by Senate, March 13, 1863, amendments accepted March 14, 1863, proclaimed March 19, 1863. |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 4298
Treaty between the United States of America and the Chippewas of the Mississippi and Pillager and lake Winnebagoshish bands of Chippewa Indians in Minnesota concluded May 7, 1864., ratification advised, with amendment, by Senate, February 9, 1865, amendment accepted February 14, 1865, proclaimed March 20, 1865. |
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KF8205.A1 N35 title 4299
Treaty between the United States of America and the Kansas tribe of Indians concluded March 13, 1862, ratification advised, with amendment, Feb. 6, 1863, amendment accepted February 26, 1863, proclaimed March 16, 1863. |
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