Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF8215.8 .G68 1994 Survey of tribal actions to protect water quality and the implementation of the tribal amendments to the Clean Water Act : report to the National Indian Policy Center / 1
KF8215.8 .I52 1982i Indian water policy in a changing environment perspectives on Indian water rights. 1
KF8215.8 .I53 1985i Indian reserved water rights 1
KF8215.8 .I53 1986 Indian water, 1985 : collected essays / 1
KF8215.8 .I537 1997 Indian water -- 1997 trends and directions in federal water policy : a summary of the conference proceedings : report to the Western Water Policy Review Advisory Commission / 1
KF8216 .B33 1976 Background information on Indian fishing rights in the Pacific Northwest / 1
KF8216 .B37 2005 Death of Celilo Falls / 1
KF8216 .C35 1974 In the Supreme Court of the United States, October term, 1973 : no. 73-1575 : John D. Callahan, et al., petitioners v. Charles E. Kimball, et al., respondents : memorandum of respondents in opposition to petition for a writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit / 1
KF8216 .D87 2006 The Si'lailo way : Indians, salmon, and law on the Columbia River / 1
KF8216 .L36 1975 Anthropological report on Swinomish Indian tribal community / 1
KF8216 .N55 2003 Saving salmon the American Indian way / 1
KF8216 .U47 1999 Empty nets : Indians, dams, and the Columbia River / 1
KF8216 .U55375 1964 Indian fishing rights : hearings before the Subcommittee on Indian Affairs of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, United States Senate, Eighty-eighth Congress, second session, on S.J. Res. 170 and S.J. Res. 171, joint resolutions regarding Indian fishing rights. August 5 and 6, 1964. 1
KF8216 .U5539 1973a United States of America, et al, plaintiffs, vs. State of Washington, et al, defendants : civ. no. 9213 : pretrial brief / 1
KF8216 .U5539 1973b United States of America; Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, et al., plaintiffs, vs. State of Washington; Thor C. Tollefson, Director, Washington State Department of Fisheries, et al., defendants : civil no. 9213 : plaintiffs' post-trial brief / 1
KF8216 .U5539 1974a United States of America, plaintiff, Quinault Tribe of Indians on its own behalf and on behalf of the Queets Band of Indians, et al., intervenor-plaintiffs, v. State of Washington, defendant, Thor C. Tollefson, Director, Washington State Department of Fisheries, et al., intervenor-defendants : civil no. 9213, motion for attorneys' fees and other expenses / 1
KF8216 .U5539 1974b United States et al., plaintiffs, v. State of Washington et al., defendants : civ. no. 9213. 1
KF8216 .U5539 1974c United States of America, plaintiff, Quinault Tribe of Indians on its own behalf and on behalf of the Queets Band of Indians, et al., intervenor-plaintiffs, v. State of Washington, defendant, Thor C. Tollefson, Director, Washington State Department of Fisheries, et al., intervenor-defendants : civ. no. 9213. 1
KF8216 .U5539 1975 United States of America, plaintiff, Quinault Tribe of Indians on its own behalf and on behalf of the Queets Band of Indians, et al., intervenor-plaintiffs, v. State of Washington, defendant, Thor C. Tollefson, director, Washington State Department of Fisheries, et al., intervenor-defendants, civ. no. 9213 : United States District Court, W.D. Washington at Tacoma, Feb. 12, 1974, on question per reconsideration motion, March 22, 1974, injunction March 22, 1974. 1
KF8216 .W374 1973 Joint statement regarding the biology, status, management, and harvest of the salmon and steelhead resources of the Puget Sound and Olympic Peninsular drainage areas of western Washington / 1