Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF8744 .S859 2014 The Supreme Court justices : a biographical dictionary / 1
KF8744 .S86 1900i Supreme Court of the United States -- a series of biographical sketches of its members with a chronological order of succession / 1
KF8744 .S86 1993 The Supreme Court justices : illustrated biographies, 1789-1993 / 3
KF8744 .S86 1995 The Supreme Court justices : illustrated biographies, 1789-1995 / 2
KF8744 .S86 2013 The Supreme Court justices : illustrated biographies, 1789-2012 / 3
KF8744 .S87 1992 The Supreme Court of the United States : its beginnings & its justices, 1790-1991. 2
KF8744 .S87 1992i The Supreme Court of the United States its beginnings & its justices, 1790-1991. 1
KF8744 .T684 2011  
KF8744 .U5 1938 Our eleven chief justices : a history of the Supreme Court in terms of their personalities / 2
KF8744 .U5 1969 Our eleven Chief Justices : a history of the Supreme Court in terms of their personalities / 1
KF8744 .V3 1882i Sketches of the lives, times and judicial services of the chief justices of the Supreme court of the United States Jay, Rutledge, Ellsworth, Marshall, Taney, Chase, and Waite /
Sketches of the lives, times and judicial services of the chief justices of the Supreme Court of the United States Jay, Rutledge, Ellsworth, Marshall, Taney, Chase, and Waite /
KF8744 .V35 1854i Sketches of the lives and judicial services of the chief-justices of the Supreme Court of the United States 1
KF8744 .V36 1854i Sketches of the lives and judicial services of the chief-justices of the Supreme Court of the United States 1
KF8744 .V36 1856 Sketches of the lives and judicial services of the chief-justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. 1
KF8744 .V36 1856i Sketches of the lives and judicial services of the chief-justices of the Supreme Court of the United States 1
KF8744 .W5 The American judicial tradition : profiles of leading American judges / 2
KF8744 .W5 1976 The American judicial tradition : profiles of leading American judges / 1
KF8744 .W5 1988 The American judicial tradition : profiles of leading American judges / 1
KF8744 .W5 2007 The American judicial tradition : profiles of leading American judges / 1
KF8744.W5 2007 KF8744 The American Judicial Tradition : Profiles of Leading American Judges. 1