Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF8959.A7 A935 2019 The attorney-client privilege in civil litigation protecting and defending confidentiality / 1
KF8959.A7 A95 1982 The Attorney-client privilege and the work-product doctrine : a project of the Trial Evidence Committee, Section of Litigation, American Bar Association. 1
KF8959.A7 A95 1989 The attorney-client privilege and the work-product doctrine / 1
KF8959.A7 A95 1997 The attorney-client privilege and the work-product doctrine. 1
KF8959.A7 A95 2001 The attorney-client privilege and the work-product doctrine / 1
KF8959.A7 A95 2007 The attorney-client privilege and the work-product doctrine / 1
KF8959.A7 A95 2017 The attorney-client privilege and the work-product doctrine / 1
KF8959.A7 C676i Corporate counsel's guide to the attorney-client, work-product, & self-evaluative privileges 1
KF8959.A7 E67 2017 The attorney-client privilege and the work-product doctrine 1
KF8959.A7 G47 1987 Attorney-corporate client privilege / 1
KF8959.A7 G47 1990 Attorney-corporate client privilege / 1
KF8959.A7 G473 2000-2010 Attorney-corporate client privilege / 1
KF8959.A7 G4731 Attorney-corporate client privilege / 1
KF8959.A7 G74 2017 Protecting confidential legal information : a handbook for analyzing issues under the attorney-client privilege and the work product doctrine / 1
KF8959.A7 R52 The attorney-client privilege in the United States / 1
KF8959.A7 R522 1999-2010 Attorney-client privilege in the United States / 1
KF8959.A7 R523 Attorney-client privilege in the United States. 1
KF8959.A7 R523i Attorney-client privilege state law / 1
KF8959.A7 T75 2023 The trial lawyer's guide to the attorney-client privilege and work-product doctrine / 1
KF8959.C6 A52 1813i The Catholic question in America whether a Roman Catholic clergyman be in any case compellable to disclose the secrets of auricular confession : decided at the Court of General Sessions in the City of New York : present, the Honorable De Witt Clinton, mayor, the Honorable Josiah Ogden Hoffman, recorder, Richard Cunningham, Isaac S. Douglass, Esqrs. sitting aldermen : with the arguments of counsel, and the unanimous opinion of the court, delivered by the mayor, with his reasons in support of that opinion / 1