KF915.Z9 S7
Law of sales / |
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KF915.Z9 S7 1968
Law of sales / |
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KF915.Z9 S7 1981
Sales in a nutshell / |
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KF915.Z9 S7 2003
Sales and leases of goods in a nutshell / |
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KF915.Z9 S7 2023
Sales and leases of goods in a nutshell / |
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KF915.Z9 W45 2009
Principles of sales law / |
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KF915.Z9 W45 2017
Principles of sales law / |
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KF915.Z9 W533 2013i
Sale and lease of goods |
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KF915.Z9 W533 2021i
Sale and lease of goods |
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KF915.Z93 C6575 1987
Software contract forms : 1987 collection : a collection of software contract forms / |
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KF915.Z93 C6575 1992
Software contract forms : 1992 collection / |
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KF915.Z95 A43 1989
Sales, leases, and bulk transfers / |
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KF915.Z95 A44
Uniform revised sales act (sales chapter of proposed Commercial code) |
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KF915.Z95 A45 1989
Uniform commercial code : repealer of Article 6--bulk transfers and [revised] Article 6--bulk sales (states to select one alternative) : proposed final draft (April 5, 1989) / |
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KF915.Z95 D44 1993
Problems and materials on sales under the Uniform commercial code and the Convention on International Sale of Goods / |
1 |
KF915.Z95 G34 2004
Analysis of the 2003 amendments to Uniform Commercial Code articles 2 and 2a : with full text articles and official comments / |
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KF915.Z95 G74 1987
Rights and remedies under U.C.C. Article 2 / |
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KF915.Z95 H36
Sales and bulk sales under the Uniform commercial code : (July, 1955) |
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KF915.Z95 H36 1958
Sales and bulk sales (under the Uniform commercial code) / |
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KF915.Z95 H36 1976
Sales and bulk sales / |
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