Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF9365 .S95 2004 The False Claims Act : fraud against the government / 1
KF9365 .S95 2010 The False Claims Act : fraud against the government / 1
KF9365 .S95 2016 The False Claims Act : fraud against the government / 1
KF9365 .S95 2023 The False Claims Act : fraud against the government / 1
KF9365.Z9 J37 2002 Identity theft and how to protect yourself / 1
KF9365.Z9 J37 2006 Identity theft and how to protect yourself / 1
KF9367.A3281998 A15 1998i Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act of 1998 P.L. 105-318, 112 Stat. 3007, October 30, 1998. 1
KF9367.A7 B35x Law of disputed and forged documents; cases, illustrations. 1
KF9367 .A94 1981 Ames on forgery : its detection and illustration, with numerous causes célèbres / 1
KF9368 .A962 The ... annual National Institute on health care fraud. 1
KF9368 .H42 1997 Healthcare exclusions : a comprehensive guide. 1
KF9368 .L68 2016  
KF9368 .M57 2009 Misrepresentation in the life, health, and disability insurance application process : a national survey / 1
KF9368 .M57 2015 Misrepresentation in the life, health, and disability insurance application process : a national survey / 1
KF9368 .M57 2022 Misrepresentation in the life, health, and disability insurance application process : a national survey / 1
KF9368 .Z35 2014 The insurance fraud deskbook / 1
KF9369.A3281990 A15 1990i Securities and Exchange Commission Authorization Act of 1990 P.L. 101-550, 104 Stat 2713, November 15, 1990. 1
KF9369.A59 L57f Litigation, actions, and proceedings bulletin 1
KF9369.A75 N38 2012i The seventh annual National Institute on Securities Fraud 1
KF9369.A75 N38 2013i The eighth annual National Institute on Securities Fraud 1