Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF9375 .O74 1952i Organized crime and law enforcement the report by and research studies prepared for the American Bar Association Commission on Organized Crime / 1
KF9375 .R33 1988i Racketeer influenced and corrupt organizations (RICO) a manual for federal prosecutors / 1
KF9375 .R5i RICO civil and criminal law and strategy / 1
KF9375 .R52 1989 The RICO racket / 1
KF9375 .R53 1984 RICO (racketeer influenced and corrupt organizations) : business disputes and the "racketeering" laws, federal and state. 1
KF9375 .S57i Civil RICO 1
KF9375 .U548 F43 2004 Federal money laundering cases : cases interpreting the Federal Money Laundering Statutes (18 U.S.C. [sec.] 1956, 1957, and 1960) and Related Forfeiture Provisions (18 U.S.C. [sec.] 981 and 982) 1
KF9375 .U555 1986 The impact : organized crime today : report to the President and the Attorney General / 1
KF9375 .U556 1983 Organized crime : federal law enforcement perspective : record of hearing I, November 29, 1983, Washington, D.C. / 1
KF9375 .W45i White collar crime RICO. 1
KF9375.Z9 C58 1985 Civil Rico, 1985 / 1
KF9375.Z9 C58 1988 Civil RICO, 1988 / 1
KF9375.Z9 G85 1986 Guide to RICO : a practical guide for the corporate counselor / 1
KF9375.Z9 S25 1994 Sample civil RICO jury instructions / 1
KF9377.A15 A77 Arson reporter. 1
KF9377.A3281996 A15 1996i Church Arson Prevention Act of 1996 a legislative history of the Church Arson Prevention Act of 1996, Public Law 104-155, 110 Stat. 1392 (1996) 1
KF9377 .C87 1936i A treatise on the law of arson covering the decisions of all American states and territories, and including those of England and the British colonies / 1
KF9377 .D43 2009 Arson law and prosecution / 1
KF9379.I57 C76i Criminal enforcement of intellectual property rights U.S. perspectives. 1
KF9390.A7 T74 1986 The Tree of liberty : a documentary history of rebellion and political crime in America / 3