KF957.A4 M36 2006
Payment systems and other financial transactions : cases, materials, and problems / |
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KF957.A4 M36 2008
Payment systems and other financial transactions : cases, materials, and problems / |
1 |
KF957.A4 N53 1987
Materials for understanding credit and payment systems / |
1 |
KF957.A4 N67 1972
Problems and materials on commercial paper / |
1 |
KF957.A4 R87 2000
Payment systems : problems, materials, and cases / |
1 |
KF957.A4 R87 2003
Payment systems : problems, materials, and cases / |
1 |
KF957.A4 S65 1910
Cases of the law of bills and notes : selected from decisions of English and American courts / |
1 |
KF957.A4 S65 1910i
Cases on the law of bills and notes selected from decisions of English and American courts / |
1 |
KF957.A4 S65 1922
Cases on the law of bills and notes : selected from decisions of English and American courts / |
1 |
KF957.A4 S65 1922i
Cases on the law of bills and notes selected from decisions of English and American courts / |
1 |
KF957.A4 S74 1954
Cases on commercial and investment paper. |
1 |
KF957.A4 S74 1964
Cases on commercial and investment paper. |
1 |
KF957.A4 W47
Problems and materials on negotiable instruments / |
1 |
KF957.A4 W47 1988
Problems and materials on negotiable instruments / |
1 |
KF957.A4 W47 1999
Problems and materials on payment law / |
1 |
KF957 .A744 1881i
A selection of cases on the law of bills and notes and other negotiable paper with full references and citations, and also an index and summary of the cases : prepared for use as a text-book in Harvard Law School / |
1 |
KF957 .A744 1894i
A selection of cases on the law of bills and notes and other negotiable paper with full references and citations, and also an index and summary of the cases : prepared for use as a textbook in Harvard Law School / |
1 |
KF957 .B48 1936i
Materials and cases on interpretation of the law of negotiable paper with a supplement containing the uniform and other acts affecting negotible paper bound separately / |
1 |
KF957 .B494 1893
Elements of the law of bills, notes, and cheques and the English Bills of exchange act ... |
1 |
KF957 .B5 1880i
The law of bills, notes, and checks illustrated by leading cases / |
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