Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF9630 .S39 2006i Digital search and seizure updating privacy protections to keep pace with technology / 1
KF9630 .S433i Search & seizure checklists 1
KF9630 .S437i Search & seizure index
Search and seizure
KF9630 .S44 2009i Searching and seizing computers and obtaining electronic evidence in criminal investigations 1
KF9630 .S63 1961i A comment on the law of search and seizure 1
KF9630 .S74 2012 Officer's search and seizure handbook / 1
KF9630 .S94 2017 Core criminal procedure : learning through multiple-choice questions / 1
KF9630 .T37 2006 Reconstructing the Fourth Amendment : a History of Search and Seizure, 1789-1868.
Reconstructing the Fourth Amendment : a history of search and seizure, 1789-1868 /
KF9630 .U58 1988 Seized conveyances : Justice and Customs correction of previous conveyance management problems. 1
KF9630 .V36i Checklists for searches & seizures in public schools 1
KF9630 .V37 1961i Searches, seizures and immunities 1
KF9630 .V44i Vehicle search law deskbook 2
KF9630 .W37i Warrantless search law deskbook index
Warrantless search law deskbook
KF9630 .W45 2016 Stop and frisk : the use and abuse of a controversial policing tactic / 1
KF9630 .W55 1986 Enforcing the Fourth Amendment : a jurisprudential history / 1
KF9630.Z9 G7 Search and seizure : a dilemma of the Supreme Court / 1
KF9630.Z9 M87 1996 Constitutional law outline for the fourth and fifth amendments of the United States constitution / 1
KF9630.Z9 R6 1987 Search and seizure in the public schools / 1
KF9630.Z9 R63 2010 Searches, seizures, statements and other top 40 hits / 1
KF9630.Z9 U555 1971 Handbook on the law of search and seizure. 1