Call Number (LC) Title Results
KFA2850 .E45i Eminent domain in Arizona 1
KFA2855 Forging Arizona : a History of the Peralta Land Grant and Racial Identity in the West. 1
KFA2855.5.R43 H85 2019 Forging Arizona : a history of the Peralta land grant and racial identity in the West / 1
KFA2858 .A9732i Arizona land use law 1
KFA2858 .S74 2007 A place for dialogue : language, land use, and politics in Southern Arizona / 1
KFA2858.Z9 R47 2001 Resolving land use disputes. 1
KFA2870 .A9763i Arizona tax practice insights (expert commentary on AZ tax laws) 1
KFA2905.6.G35 T39 1999 Indian gaming in Arizona : social and economic impacts on the state of Arizona / 1
KFA2905.6.T38 A52 1971 In the Supreme Court of the United States, October term, 1971, no. 71-834 : Rosalind McClanahan, on behalf of herself and all others similarly situated, appellant, v. Arizona State Tax Commission, appellee : brief of the Native American Rights Fund as amicus curiae in support of appellant / 1
KFA2905.6.W38 A75 1973 Report on Arizona Indian Water Rights Conference, August 1973. 1
KFA2905.6.W38 F67 1981 Indian water rights : a public policy and administrative mess / 1
KFA2910.5 .C6 Delay and congestion in the Superior court of Maricopa County, Arizona. Report of a survey 1
KFA2920 .A25 1958 Report on justice of the peace courts in Arizona. 1
KFA2929 .A192i Arizona civil rules handbook--Arizona practice series 1
KFA2929 .A1926i Arizona keyrules - state superior courts 1
KFA2929.A313 A2 1955i Rules of civil procedure for the Superior Courts of Arizona promulgated by the Supreme Court of Arizona, June 18,1955, effective January 1, 1956. 1
KFA2938 .A755i Arizona trial handbook--Arizona practice series 1
KFA2938 .A77i Arizona trial practice manual 1
KFA2938 .C58i Civil trial practice--Arizona practice series 1
KFA2940 .A9754i Arizona law of evidence index--Arizona practice series
Arizona law of evidence--Arizona practice series