Call Number (LC) Title Results
KFC140 .C34i California real property remedies and damages (CEB) 1
KFC140 .C35 Reference book: a real estate study manual and guide, 1981-82. 1
KFC140 .C35i California civil practice--real property litigation 1
KFC140 .G73 1998 Forster vs. Pico : the struggle for the Rancho Santa Margarita / 1
KFC140 .M53i Miller & Starr California real estate
Miller & Starr California real estate index
KFC140 .O33 1956i Ogden's California real property law 1
KFC140 .O333 Ogden's revised California real property law / 1
KFC140.Z9 R42 Reference book : a real estate guide - California Department of Real Estate. 1
KFC140.5.A75 C35 1960i California land security and development 1
KFC140.5.A75 S8 California land security and development. 1
KFC144 .A44 1920i California and the Japanese a compilation of arguments advertised in newspapers by the American Committee of Justice in opposition to the alien land law, together with the memorial addressed to Congress by the said committee. 1
KFC144 .B66 2014 Understanding tree law : a handbook for practitioners / 1
KFC144.5 .C35 1984 California condominium and planned development practice / 1
KFC144.5 .C3535i California common interest developments--law & practice index
California common interest developments--law & practice
KFC144.5 .C65 Condominium: how to put together a new condominium: laws, regulations, and forms / 1
KFC145.A65 F67i Forms from Matthew Bender practice guide: California landlord-tenant litigation 1
KFC145 .B73 1985 The landlord's law book : rights and responsibilities / 1
KFC145 .G6 1937i California landlord and tenant law and procedure including the law of apartment houses, hotels and other multiple family dwellings, with forms / 1
KFC145 .G6 1952i California landlord and tenant law and procedure, with forms including the law of apartment houses, hotels and other multiple family dwellings, law of oil and gas leases, unlawful detainer / 1
KFC145 .M38i Matthew Bender (R) practice guide California landlord-tenant litigation index.
Matthew Bender practice guide California landlord-tenant litigation.