Call Number (LC) Title Results
KFC2134.Z9 B544 2008 Colorado wage and hour laws / 1
KFC2134.Z9 C55 2005 Preventing labor and employment suits in Colorado / 1
KFC2134.Z9 C65 2013 Human resource law : what you need to know now / 1
KFC2134.Z9 C87 2005 Current legal & practical issues in employment law. 1
KFC2134.Z9 D45 1999 Colorado employment and labor law / 1
KFC2134.Z9 D73 2001 Drafting compensation & other employee agreements. 1
KFC2134.Z9 E44 2008 Employee handbooks : everything you need to know to keep you out of trouble / 1
KFC2134.Z9 E45 1998 Employment law '99. 1
KFC2134.Z9 E453 2001 Employment law : advanced litigation techniques. 1
KFC2134.Z9 E454 2002 Employment law basics. 1
KFC2134.Z9 E454 2012 Employment law basics. 1
KFC2134.Z9 E455 2000 Employment law conference. 1
KFC2134.Z9 E46 1996 3rd annual employment law institute / 1
KFC2134.Z9 E46 1998 4th annual employment law update / 1
KFC2134.Z9 E466 2010 Employment law practice basics for beginners. 1
KFC2134.Z9 E467 2001 Employment law program. 1
KFC2134.Z9 E468 1997 Employment law update / 1
KFC2134.Z9 E468 2000 Employment law update. 1
KFC2134.Z9 E468 2004 2004 annual spring employment law update. 1
KFC2134.Z9 E468 2013 Employment law fall update : new cases, new legislation and tools every employment lawyer needs. 1