Call Number (LC) Title Results
KFC3694 .L49i LexisNexis practice guide Connecticut family law - index.
LexisNexis practice guide Connecticut family law.
KFC3696 .H54 1977i The legal status of homemakers in Connecticut 1
KFC3700.A65 L53i Library of Connecticut family law forms 1
KFC3700 .P73i A practical guide to divorce in Connecticut (MCLE)
A practical guide to divorce in Connecticut
KFC3712 .P73i A practical guide to residential real estate transactions & foreclosures in Connecticut 1
KFC3717.A65 A55i Connecticut landlord and tenant law with forms 1
KFC3730.5.F6 C664i Connecticut foreclosures 1
KFC3737 .D732i Drafting trusts in Connecticut index
Drafting trusts in Connecticut
KFC3739.L57 R482i Revocable trusts & trust administration in Connecticut 1
KFC3740 .L49i LexisNexis practice guide Connecticut estate planning. 1
KFC3740 .P73i A practical guide to estate planning in Connecticut (MCLE)
A practical guide to estate planning in Connecticut
KFC3744.A65 F67i Forms from LexisNexis automated Connecticut probate court forms 1
KFC3744 .C54 1915i Probate law and practice of Connecticut 1
KFC3744 .C66i Connecticut probate deskbook-Connecticut estates practice 1
KFC3744 .D43i Death taxes in Connecticut
Death taxes in Connecticut index
KFC3744 .D734i Drafting wills in Connecticut 1
KFC3744 .L49i LexisNexis practice guide Connecticut probate and estate administration. 1
KFC3744 .N6 1905i Connecticut probate law being a collation of statutory provisions and judicial decisions, relating to probate law, as contained in the General statutes, revision of 1902, and Public Acts of 1903 : and as reported in Kirby, Root, and Day : and volumes 1 to 76, inclusive of the Connecticut reports / 1
KFC3744 .P73i A practical guide to probate in Connecticut (MCLE)
A practical guide to probate in Connecticut
KFC3744 .P765i Probate jurisdiction & procedure in Connecticut 1