Call Number (LC) Title Results
KFC3678 .M36 1987i Neighbors and strangers law and community in early Connecticut / 1
KFC3678 .T78 The true-blue laws of Connecticut and New Haven and the false blue-laws invented by the Rev. Samuel Peters, 1
KFC3678 .T782 1876x The True-blue laws of Connecticut and New Haven and the false blue-laws invented by the Rev. Samuel Peters : to which are added specimens of the laws and judicial proceedings of other colonies and some blue-laws of England in the reign of James I / 1
KFC3678.8.W5 Escaping Salem : the other witch hunt of 1692 / 1
KFC3678.8.W5 G66 2005 Escaping Salem : the other witch hunt of 1692 / 1
KFC3678.8.W5 G66 2005eb Escaping Salem : the other witch hunt of 1692 / 1
KFC3680 .C65 v.5i Connecticut criminal jury instructions 1
KFC3680 .P73i Practical law Connecticut 1
KFC3680 .S805 A system of the laws of the state of Connecticut In six books / 1
KFC3691.A1 I53i Incapacity, powers of attorney and adoption in Connecticut 1
KFC3691.A3 C664i Connecticut elder law--Connecticut practice series 1
KFC3691.W6 D39 1995 Women before the bar : gender, law, and society in Connecticut, 1639-1789 / 3
KFC3691.W6 D39 1995i Women before the bar gender, law, and society in Connecticut, 1639-1789 / 1
KFC3691.W6 H67 1928i A handbook of the law for the use of Connecticut women 1
KFC3694.A54 C66i Connecticut family law citations a reference guide to Connecticut family law decisions. 1
KFC3694.A65 F67i Forms from LexisNexis practice guide Connecticut family law. 1
KFC3694 .F36i Family law and practice with forms index--Connecticut practice series
Family law and practice with forms--Connecticut practice series
KFC3694 .L49i LexisNexis practice guide Connecticut family law.
LexisNexis practice guide Connecticut family law - index.
KFC3696 .H54 1977i The legal status of homemakers in Connecticut 1
KFC3700.A65 L53i Library of Connecticut family law forms 1