Call Number (LC) Title Results
KFC4000. T57 1901i The three constitutions of Connecticut, 1638-9, 1662, 1818 messages of the Governor, rejected amendments to the Constitution, act calling Constitutional Convention, proclamation of Governor, roll of delegates : with notes on town representation / 1
KFC4001 1965.A6 H67 1993 The Connecticut state constitution : a reference guide / 1
KFC4001.5 .B33 1843i A discourse on the early constitutional history of Connecticut delivered before the Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford, May 17, 1843 / 1
KFC4001.5 .B76 1882i Chapters on the early government of Connecticut with critical and explanatory remarks on the constitution of 1639 / 1
KFC4001.5 .C45 1889i Celebration of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the adoption of the first constitution of the state of Connecticut 1
KFC4001.5 .D34 1804i Mr. Daggett's argument, before the General Assembly of the state of Connecticut, October, 1804, in the case of certain justices of the peace to which is prefixed, a brief history of the proceedings of the Assembly. 1
KFC4001.5 .F87 2005i A guide to Connecticut prestatehood legal research 1
KFC4001.5 .M67 1933i Under the Constitution of 1818 the first decade / 1
KFC4001.5 .T78 1901i Historical notes on the constitutions of Connecticut, 1639-1818 particularly on the origin and progress of the movement which resulated in the Convention of 1818 and the adoption of the present constitution / 1
KFC4040.A599 C666i Connecticut Attorney General reports and opinions 1
KFC4040 .L49i LexisNexis practice guide Connecticut administrative law and practice. 1
KFC4040 .R47 Report and opinions. 1
KFC4040.5 .I53 Index to official opinions, 1898-1960. 1
KFC4046 .R45 1967 Connecticut water law : judicial allocation of water resources / 1
KFC4058 .L36i Land use law and practice--Connecticut practice series 1
KFC4059.A1 A85 Housing codes and their enforcement in six Connecticut cities / 1
KFC4059.A1 U543 1967i Housing codes and their enforcement in six Connecticut cities 1
KFC4070 .C675i Connecticut tax practice insights (expert commentary on CT tax laws) 1
KFC4077 .D46 1959i Connecticut taxation of corporations 1
KFC4097.A351775 A2 1775i An act for regulating and ordering the troops that are, or may be raised, for the defence of this colony 1