Call Number (LC) Title Results
KFI4530 .I2i IA state trademarks 1
KFI4530 .I69i Iowa trademarks 1
KFI4531 .D69 1910i History of labor legislation in Iowa 1
KFI4531 .E47i Employment in Iowa guide to employment laws, regulations and practices - index.
Employment in Iowa guide to employment laws, regulations and practices.
KFI4550.C4 B35 1998 Iowa child welfare law : a manual for social workers / 1
KFI4574 Community-panel drug courts in Woodbury County, Iowa / 1
KFI4574 .V53 2010 The Woodbury County, Iowa Community Drug Court, 1999-2008 / 1
KFI4592 .R6 Community conflict, public opinion, and the law : the Amish dispute in Iowa /
Community conflict, public opinion, and the law; the Amish dispute in Iowa,
KFI4601 1857 .A22 The debates of the Constitutional convention of the state of Iowa, assembled at Iowa City, Monday, January 19, 1857./ 1
KFI4601 1857.A6 S73 1998 The Iowa state constitution : a reference guide / 1
KFI4601.5 .F73 1900i Fragments of the debates of the Iowa constitutional conventions of 1844 and 1846 along with press comments and other materials on the constitutions of 1844 and 1846 / 1
KFI4601.5 .H36 2005i Iowa territory legal materials 1
KFI4601.5 .J36 1900i Constitution and admission of Iowa into the Union 1
KFI4601.5 .P76 1907i Proceedings of the fiftieth anniversary of the Constitution of Iowa held under the auspices of the State Historical Society of Iowa / 1
KFI4601.5 .S36 1963i Iowa's campaign for a constitutional convention in 1960 1
KFI4601.5 .S5 1902i History of the constitutions of Iowa 1
KFI4611 .A94 Freedom in Iowa : the role of the Iowa Civil Liberties Union / 1
KFI4631 .A94 1933i Invalidation of municipal ordinances by the Supreme Court of Iowa 1
KFI4640.A599 I593i Iowa Attorney General reports and opinions 1
KFI4640 .R47 Biennial report of the Attorney General. 1