Call Number (LC) Title Results
KFK12301909 .A4 Statutes of Kentucky : systematized and annotated, containing all general laws not included in the codes of practice, and including the acts of the General Assembly, session of 1908 / 1
KFK12301915 .A23 The Kentucky statutes : containing all general laws not included in the codes of practice, with full notes of decisions of the Court of appeals to November, 1914; prefixed by the Magna Charta, the Declaration of independence, Articles of confederation, Constitution of United States, compact with Virginia, act of admitting Kentucky into Union, and constitutions of Kentucky / 1
KFK12301922 .A4 The Kentucky statutes, containing all general laws (not included in the Codes of practice) with full notes from decisions of the Court of appeals and the constitution of Kentucky annotated / 1
KFK12301930 .A22 Carroll's Kentucky statutes annotated : containing all laws of a general nature in force to January 1, 1930 and the Constitution annotated "keyed" to Kentucky text and practice / 1
KFK12301936 .A43 Carroll's Kentucky statutes annotated. : Baldwin's 1936 revision / 1
KFK12301943 .A43 Kentucky revised statutes, annotated : Baldwin's 1943 revision, containing all laws to January 1, 1944 / 1
KFK12301944 .A22 Kentucky Revised statutes, 1944 / 1
KFK12301953 .A24 Kentucky revised statutes, 1953 / 1
KFK12301955 .A43 Baldwin's Kentucky revised statutes, annotated, 1955 / 1
KFK12301963 .A43 Baldwin's Kentucky revised statutes annotated / 1
KFK12301969 .A234 Baldwin's Kentucky revised statutes annotated. : KRS. 1
KFK12301970 .A2 Michie's Kentucky revised statutes, annotated. 1
KFK12301970 .A2i Michie's Kentucky revised statutes, annotated 1
KFK16011891.A6 I74 1999 The Kentucky state constitution : a reference guide / 1
KFK16011891.A6 I74 2012 The Kentucky state constitution / 1
KFKI-1990-20/A Decay-time measurements on "pure" CsI scintillators prepared by different methods 1
KFL1 .C35 2001i Louisiana legal documents and related publications 1
KFL1 .C35 2014i Louisiana legal documents and related publications 1
KFL1 .C67 1986i Louisiana legal documents and related publications a selected annotated bibliography / 1
KFL1 .H43 1990i Louisiana legal documents and related publications 1