Call Number (LC) Title Results
KFM8190 .M57i Missouri school law (MoBarCLE) 1
KFM8201.5 .M33 2005i Missouri prestatehood legal materials 1
KFM8201.5 .S56 1914i A sketch of Missouri constitutional history during the territorial period 1
KFM8201.6.S55 A2 2016i Missouri slavery statutes 1
KFM8209 .F85 2010eb Understanding Missouri's constitutional government / 1
KFM8220 .A3 1934i Election laws of the state of Missouri and the federal naturalization laws revised for 1933-34 : compiled from the state constitution and laws, and published under authority of section 10212, Revised statutes, 1929 / 1
KFM8230 .M572i Missouri local government law (MoBarCLE) 1
KFM8240.A599 M576i Missouri Attorney General reports and opinions 1
KFM8240 .A974i Administrative practice and procedure-Missouri practice series 1
KFM8240 .M572i Missouri adoption law & practice (MoBar CLE)
Missouri administrative law (MoBar CLE)
KFM8247 .B73 2007 The Missouri Natural Streams Act (1990) : how an environmental campaign was waged and lost / 1
KFM8250 .M522i Missouri condemnation practice (MoBar CLE) 1
KFM8270 .M58i Missouri tax practice insights (expert commentary on MO tax laws) 1
KFM8270 .M5822i Missouri taxation law and practice (MoBarCLE) 1
KFM8308 .H9 1952i Historical review of the judicial system of Missouri 1
KFM8310.A53 M57i Missouri jury verdicts & settlements 1
KFM8325.5.N6 W3 The politics of the bench and the bar; judicial selection under the Missouri nonpartisan court plan 1
KFM8325.5.N6 W6 The politics of the bench and the bar : judicial selection under the Missouri nonpartisan court plan / 1
KFM8328 .A2 1896 The Missouri annotated Code of civil procedure containing all the statute laws now in force regulating the commencement and prosecution of civil actions, and the manner of instituting and conducting special proceedings for the enforcement of civil rights, together with the Constitutions of the United States and of the State of Missouri : with full and complete notes and references to decisions of the courts of last resort of the state and United States, construing these statutes and constitutions / 1
KFM8328 .A2 1896i The Missouri annotated Code of civil procedure containing all the statute laws now in force regulating the commencement and prosecution of civil actions, and the manner of instituting and conducting special proceedings for the enforcement of civil rights : together with the Constitutions of the United States and of the state of Missouri : with full and complete notes and references to decisions of the courts of last resort of the state and United States, construing these statutes and constitutions / 1