KFN18301896 .A2
General statutes of New Jersey / |
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KFN18301910 .A2
Compiled statutes of New Jersey / |
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KFN18301937 .A2
Revised statutes of New Jersey, 1937 : effective December 20, 1937 / |
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KFN18301939 .A25
New Jersey statutes annotated : laws of a general and permanent nature under arrangement of Revised statutes, 1937, including laws of the 163rd Legislature, 1939 ; with annotations from cases construing or applying the laws, tables, and index. |
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KFN22011844 .A339 1873i
Constitution of the state of New Jersey as proposed to be amended by the Constitutional Commission, December 23, 1873. |
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KFN22011844 .A399 1845i
New constitution of the state of New Jersey |
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KFN22011844 .A59 1935i
Constitution of the state of New Jersey |
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KFN22011947 .A2
Dry revolution: diary of a Constitutional Convention, |
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KFN22011947.A6 W55 1990
The New Jersey State constitution : a reference guide / |
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KFN22011947.A6 W55 2012
The New Jersey State Constitution / |
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KFN36301882 .A22
The general laws of New Mexico : including all the unrepealed general laws from the promulgation of the "Kearney code" in 1846, to the end of the Legislative session of 1880, with supplement including the session of 1882 / |
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KFN36301884 .A2 1885i
Compiled laws of New Mexico in accordance with an act of the Legislature, approved April 3, 1884 : including the Constitution of the United States, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the Gadsden Treaty, the original act organizing the territory, the organic acts as now in force, the original Kearny code, and a list of laws enacted since the compilation of 1865 / |
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KFN36301884 .A22 1885
Compiled laws of New Mexico : in accordance with an act of the Legislature, approved April 3, 1884 : including the Constitution of the United States, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the Gadsden Treaty, the original act organizing the territory, the organic acts as now in force, the original Kearny code, and a list of laws enacted since the compilation of 1865 / |
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KFN36301884 .A23
Local and special laws of New Mexico / |
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KFN36301897 .A22i
Compiled laws of New Mexico in accordance with an act of the Legislature, approved March 16th, 1897 : including the Constitution of the United States, the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the Gadsen treaty, the original act organizing the territory, the organic acts as now in force, the original Kearny code, and a list of laws enacted since the compilation of 1884, as well as those in that work / |
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KFN36301897 .A25
1897, compiled laws of New Mexico : in accordance with an act of the legislature, approved March 16th, 1897. Including the Constitution of the United States, the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the Gadsen treaty, the original act organizing the territory, the organic acts as now in force, the original Kearny code, and a list of laws enacted since the compilation of 1884, as well as those in that work. |
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KFN36301915 .A25
New Mexico statutes, annotated : containing the codification passed at the second session of the Legislature of the state of New Mexico, in effect June 11, 1915, with the 1915 session laws as an appendix / |
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KFN36301915 .A25a
Estatutos de Nuevo México anotados : conteniendo la codificacion adoptada en la segunda sesion de la Legislatura del estado de Nuevo Mëxico, vigentes junio 11 de 1915, con las leyes de sesion de 1915 como apëndice / |
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KFN36301929 .A4
New Mexico statutes, annotated : 1929 compilation, containing all laws of a general nature, including those passed at the special session of 1929 / |
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KFN36301941 .A2
New Mexico statutes, 1941 : containing the general laws of New Mexico, annotated / |
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