Call Number (LC) Title Results
KFN5188 .W66 1923i Cases on the law of trusts selected especially for students of New York law / 1
KFN5189 .F68 1896i The law of charitable uses, trusts and donations in New York 1
KFN5194.S63 G75 1936i Spendthrift trusts restraints on the alienation of equitable interests imposed by the terms of the trust or by statute / 1
KFN5194.S63 G75 1947i Spendthrift trusts under the New York statutes and elsewhere--including insurance proceeds / 1
KFN5194.S63 P6 1971 How far should freedom of disposition go? / 1
KFN5195.A65 F67i Forms from LexisNexis automated New York estate planning forms 1
KFN5195.A65 F673i Forms from LexisNexis NY estate and elder law official forms 1
KFN5200 .G73 1933i Wills, executors, and trustees a practical work on the law, accounting and taxation of estates and trusts, including the bank and trust company as a fiduciary / 1
KFN5200 .G73 1950i Wills, executors, and trustees a practical work on the law, administration, and accounting of estates and trusts / 1
KFN5200 .N37 1992 Inheritance and family life in Colonial New York City / 3
KFN5200.Z9 G73 1933 Wills, executors and trustees, a practical work on the law, accounting and taxation of estates and trusts, including the bank and trust company as a fiduciary by William J. Grange, Walter A. Staub and Eugene G. Blackford. 1
KFN5201.A65 F67i Forms from Drafting New York wills: law and forms 1
KFN5201 .A98 1890i "To what extent can or should parol testimony be accepted to construe or determine the provisions of a will? 1
KFN5201 .D73i Drafting New York wills and related documents - index
Drafting New York wills and related documents
KFN5201 .E24 1934i The New York law of wills 1
KFN5201 .K442i New York wills 1
KFN5201 .K5 Drafting New York wills : law and clauses. 1
KFN5201 .K55 1969 Drafting New York wills : law and forms / 1
KFN5201 .S36 1924i Cases on the law of wills 1
KFN5201 .S39 1969i Drawing wills 1