Call Number (LC) Title Results
KGG1059 .O74 1978 A statement of the laws of Nicaragua in matters affecting business / 1
KGG1789 .K54 1964i Labor law and practice in Nicaragua 1
KGG2914 1911 ebook Constitución de Nicaragua de 1912 / 1
KGG2914 1987 .A2 1987 Constitución política de Nicaragua. 1
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KGG2914 1987 ebook Constitución de Nicaragua de 1987. 1
KGG2914 ebook Constituciones fundacionales de Nicaragua. 1
KGG2921 .N53 1991 The Nicaraguan Constitution of 1987 : English translation and commentary / 1
KGG3003.A311979 A4 1987i Estatuto fundamental
Estatutos sobre derechos y garantías de los nicaragüenses decreto no. 52 /
KGG3003.A311979 A4 2014i Fundamental statute of the Republic of Nicaragua 20 July 1979
Statute concerning rights and guarantees of Nicaraguans, decree no. 52, 12 August 1979
KGG3003 .F73 1980i Human rights in Nicaragua, yesterday and today report of a mission for the International Commission of Jurists / 1
KGG3003 .N53 1985 Nicaragua : revolutionary justice : a report on human rights and the judicial system. 1
KGG3075 .G88 1992i Nicaragua constitutional amendment / 1
KGG3729 .L49i Lex Mundi's guide to doing business in Nicaragua 1
KGG29141826 .A6 1961i Constitucion del Estado de Nicaragua emitida en 8 de abril de 1826. 1
KGG29141826 .A6 2014i Constitution of the State of Nicaragua, 8 April 1826 1
KGG29141838 .A6 1994i Constitucion política del estado libre de Nicaragua aprobada el 12 de noviembre de 1838. 1
KGG29141838 .A6 2015i Political constitution of the sovereign, free and independent State of Nicaragua, 12 November 1838 1
KGG29141848 .A3 1994i El proyecto de constitución política de 1848 proyecto de constitución de 1848 (1 de julio de 1848) 1
KGG29141854 .A3 1994i Proyecto constitución política (30 de abril de 1854) 1
KGG29141858 .A6 1888i Constitution of the Republic of Nicaragua Managua, August 19, 1858. 1