Call Number (LC) Title Results
KHD29141988 .Z8 2017i Non-inserted provisions from amendments to the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, 1988, as amended to No. 98 of 6 December 2017
Introductory notes and summaries of amendments to the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Amendments 1-99 (1992-2017)
Non-inserted provisions from amendments to the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, 1988, as amended to No. 97 of 4 October 2017
Introductory notes and summaries of amendments to the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Amendments 1-97 (1992-2017)
Emenda constitucional n⁰ 99
Emenda constitucional n⁰ 98
Transitional Constitutional Provisions Act, 1988, as amended to December 2017
Emenda constitucional n⁰ 97
Amendments nos. 1-97 and constitutional amendments of revision nos. 1-6 to the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, 1992-2017
Introductory notes and summaries of amendments to the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Amendments 1-96 (1992-2017)
Amendments nos. 1-95 and constitutional amendments of revision nos. 1-6 to the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, 1992-2016
Transitional Constitutional Provisions Act, 1988, as amended to February 2017
Emenda constitucional n⁰ 96
Amendments nos. 1-96 and constitutional amendments of revision nos. 1-6 to the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, 1992-2017
KHD29141988 .Z8 2018i Amendments nos. 1-99 and constitutional amendments of revision nos. 1-6 to the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, 1992-2017 1
KHD29141988 .Z8 2019i Emenda constitucional n⁰ 100
Emenda constitucional n⁰ 101
Emenda constitucional n⁰ 102
Transitional Constitutional Provisions Act, 1988, as amended to September 2019
Amendments nos. 1-102 and constitutional amendments of revision nos. 1-6 to the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, 1992-2019
Emenda constitucional n⁰ 103
Non-inserted provisions from amendments to the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, 1988, as amended to No. 100 of 26 June 2019
Emenda constitucional n⁰ 105
Emenda constitucional n⁰ 104
Transitional Constitutional Provisions Act, 1988, as amended to December 2019
Introductory notes and summaries of amendments to the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Amendments 1-105 (1992-2019)
Non-inserted provisions from amendments to the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, 1988, as amended to No. 105 of 12 December 2019
Amendments nos. 1-105 and constitutional amendments of revision nos. 1-6 to the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, 1992-2019
KHD29141988 .Z8 2020i Amendments nos. 1-108 and constitutional amendments of revision nos. 1-6 to the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, 1992-2020
Emenda constitucional n⁰ 106
Emenda constitucional n⁰ 107
Emenda constitucional n⁰ 108
Introductory notes and summaries of amendments to the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Amendments 1-108 (1992-2020)
Non-inserted provisions from amendments to the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, 1988, as amended to No. 107 of 2 July 2020
Transitional Constitutional Provisions Act, 1988, as amended to December 2020
Amendments nos. 1-107 and constitutional amendments of revision nos. 1-6 to the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, 1992-2019
KHD29141988 .Z8 2021i Emenda constitucional n⁰ 111
Transitional Constitutional Provisions Act, 1988, as amended to July 2021
Amendments nos. 1-110 and constitutional amendments of revision nos. 1-6 to the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, 1992-2021
Introductory notes and summaries of amendments to the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Amendments 1-109 (1992-2021)
Emenda constitucional n⁰ 114
Amendments nos. 1-111 and constitutional amendments of revision nos. 1-6 to the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, 1992-2021
Amendments nos. 1-109 and constitutional amendments of revision nos. 1-6 to the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, 1992-2021
Emenda constitucional n⁰ 110
Emenda constitucional n⁰ 113
Introductory notes and summaries of 117 amendments to the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, 1992-2021
Emenda constitucional n⁰ 112
Emenda constitucional n⁰ 109
KHD29141988 .Z8 2022i Emenda constitucional n⁰ 119
Emenda constitucional n⁰ 128
Emenda constitucional n⁰ 121
Emenda constitucional n⁰ 116
Emenda constitucional n⁰ 125
Emenda constitucional n⁰ 127
Emenda constitucional n⁰ 117
Emenda constitucional n⁰ 122
Emenda constitucional n⁰ 126
Emenda constitucional n⁰ 123
Emenda constitucional n⁰ 120
Emenda constitucional n⁰ 115
Introductory notes and summaries of amendments to the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Amendments 1-119 (1992-2022)
Emenda constitucional n⁰ 124
Amendments nos. 1-119 and constitutional amendments of revision nos. 1-6 to the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, 1992-2022
Emenda constitucional n⁰ 118
KHD29171934.A2 A98 1993i Elaborando a Constituição nacional atas da subcomissão elaboradora do anteprojeto 1932/1933 / 1
KHD39242008 Brazilian mining code = Código de mineração / 1
KHE0 .C519 A guide to the law and legal literature of Ecuador. 1
KHF40 1886i Recopilación de leyes Constitución política, leyes constitucionales, políticas y algunas administrativas y civiles vigentes en 1886 / 2
KHF43 1879i La lejislacion chilena no codificada, o sea Coleccion de leyes i decretos vijentes i de interes jeneral ordenada 1
KHF43 1892i Constitución vigente y constituciones anteriores de Chile leyes reglamentarias del Congreso, ley de elecciones y municipalidades, Acta de deposición de Balmaceda / 1
KHF43 1927i Códigos de Chile 1
KHF46 .C47 1920i Códigos de Chile Constitución política : Lei de elecciones : Comision revieora de poderes : lei de garantías individuales : Código civil : Reglamento del conservador de b. raices, Lei sobre el efecto retroactivo de las leyes : Lei de matrimonio civil : Lei de rejistro civil : Reglamento para la aplicación de estas leyes : Código de procedimiento civil : Lei n. 2269 que modifica algunos artículos de este código : Código de comercio : Código penal : Lei sobre abusos de la libertad de imprenta : Lei sobre descanso dominical : Lei sobre protección de la infancia desvalida : Lei sobre circulac. de docum. falsos de crédito : Código de procedimiento penal : Código de minería : Lei orgánica de tribunales : Lei sobre repartición de causas / 1
KHF58 .D43 2012i Decree Law no. 1.684 of 28 January 1977 1
KHF133.P64 L68 2000 Las acusaciones constitucionales en Chile : una perspectiva histórica / 1
KHF135.A73 C82 2003 Puño y letra : Juicio Oral / 1
KHF150 .C55 1947i A guide to the law and legal literature of Chile, 1917-1946 1
KHF182 .L69 1970 Lawyers, legal education, and development: an examination of the process of reform in Chile. 1
KHF304.F54 ebook Después de mucho vivir : memorias / 1