Call Number (LC) Title Results
KHP2914 1823 ebook  
KHP2914 1992 ebook Constitución de Paraguay, 1992. 1
KHP2914 1993 ebook Constitución del Perú de 1993 1
KHP3075 Skewing chaos : the role of political parties in Paraguay's legislature / 1
KHP5872 ebook Nulidad de la imputación : análisis normativo y jurisprudencial / 1
KHP29141811 .A6 2012i Constitución de 1811 (resumen) 1
KHP29141813 .A6 1841i Constitution of the Republic of Paraguay, adopted by the General Congress Assumption, 12 October, 1813. 1
KHP29141814 .A6 2012i Constitución de 1814 1
KHP29141816 .A6 2012i Constitución de 1816 1816 - junio 1° 1
KHP29141841 .A6 2014i Constitución de 1841 1841 - setiembre 24. 1
KHP29141842 .A6 2012i Constitución de 1842 1842 - noviembre 28. 1
KHP29141844 .A6 1859i Law of Paraguay, which establishes the political administration of the Republic Assumption, March 16, 1844. 1
KHP29141870 .A6 1907i Constitution (promulgated November 25, 1870) 1
KHP29141940 .A2 1963 Constitution of the Republic of Paraguay, 1940. 1
KHP29141940 .A6 1963i Constitution of the Republic of Paraguay 1940 1
KHP29141967 .A6 1967i Constitution of the Republic of Paraguay 1
KHP29141967 .A6 1977i Constitución de la República del Paraguay de 1967 1
KHP29141967 .Z8 2012i Enmienda no. 1 de 1976 1
KHP29141992 .A6 1992i 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Paraguay 1
KHP29141992 .A6 2011i Constitution of the Republic of Paraguay, 1992, as amended by Constitutional Amendment no. 1 of 2011 1