Call Number (LC) Title Results
KJA147 .M34 1978 La loi à Rome : histoire d'un concept / 1
KJA147 .M34 1995 De la royaute et du droit de Romulus a Sabinus / 1
KJA147 .M37 1916i Roman law as the law of the world 1
KJA147 M43 2023  
KJA147 .M67 1890i Outlines of Roman law comprising its historical growth and general principles / 1
KJA147 .M67 1890r Outlines of Roman law : comprising its historical growth and general principles / 1
KJA147 .M67 1906i Outlines of Roman law comprising its historical growth and general principles / 1
KJA147 .M67 1914i Outlines of Roman law comprising its historical growth and general principles / 1
KJA147 .M68 2003 The historical and institutional context of Roman law /
The historical and institutional context of Roman law
KJA147 .M685 2007 A legal history of Rome / 2
KJA147 .M685 2007eb A legal history of Rome 1
KJA147 .N37 1890i Outline of Roman history from Romulus to Justinian (including translations of the Twelve tables, the Institutes of Gaius, and the Institutes of Justinian) : with special reference to the growth, development and decay of Roman jurisprudence / 1
KJA147 .N43 1962 An introduction to Roman law / 1
KJA147 .N49 2013 New frontiers : law and society in the Roman world / 2
KJA147 .O55 Three essays in Roman law / 1
KJA147 .O7813 1896i The history of Roman law from the text of Ortolan's histoire de la législation romaine et généralisation du droit / 1
KJA147 .P65 1759i Pauli Politi parmensis jurisconsulti et advocati celeberrimi primariique in alma patria universitate legum interpretis : dissertationes selectiores sub magistralibus tractatibus ejusdem auctoris aureisque quæstionibus academicis, et forensibus ad pandectas titulorum publice per eum explicatis: de fideicommissis, & legatis, de dote, de verborum obligationibus, & de novi operis nunciatione, aptatæ, ac distributæ: quibus accedunt dissertationes de aliis materiis in foro frequentioribus, una cum argumentis, & summariis, & indice locupletissimo. Quæ omnia in lucem exeunt opera, et studio jurisconsulti / 1
KJA147 .P69 1999 Institutiones iuris romani / 1
KJA147 .P78 1848r Introduction to the study and history of the Roman law / 1
KJA147 .R2 1897 Sumario de las explicaciones del profesor de la asignatura de derecho romano de la Universidad Central : arregladas al programa del mismo. 1