Call Number (LC) Title Results
KJA190 .C35 1999 Tabulae pompeianae Sulpiciorum (TPSulp.) : edizione critica dell'archivio puteolano dei Sulpicii / 1
KJA190 .C53 1965i History of Roman private law 1
KJA190 .C58 1987 Early Roman law : the regal period / 1
KJA190 C661 2017 La Forma Estipulatoria. una Aproximación Al Estudio Del Lenguaje Directo en el Digesto 1
KJA190 .E56 1988 The literate mode of Cicero's legal rhetoric / 1
KJA190 .G83 2019 Derecho Romano / 1
KJA190 .H8 1897 A systematic and historical exposition of Roman law in the order of a code : embodying the Institutes of Gaius and the Institutes of Justinian / 1
KJA190 .H8 1897f A systematic and historical exposition of Roman law in the order of a code 1
KJA190 .H8 1903 A systematic and historical exposition of Roman law in the order of a code : embodying the Institutes of Gaius and the Institutes of Justinian / 1
KJA190 .H85 2007 Orthodoxy and the courts in late antiquity / 1
KJA190 .H86 1876i A systematic and historical exposition of Roman law in the order of a code embodying the Institutes of Gaius and the Institutes of Justinian / 1
KJA190 .H86 1885i A systematic and historical exposition of Roman law in the order of a code 1
KJA190 .H86 1897i A systematic and historical exposition of Roman law in the order of a code 1
KJA190 .H86 1903i A systematic and historical exposition of Roman law in the order of a code embodying the Institutes of Gaius and the Institutes of Justinian / 1
KJA190 .I97 1985eb Iurisprudentiae Antehadrianae Quae Supersunt . 1
KJA190 .J855 2008 Epigrafía Jurídica de la Bética. 1
KJA190 .K78 Geschichte der Quellen und Litteratur des Römischen Rechts / 1
KJA190 .L53 2002 Il "diritto inciso" : lineamenti di epigrafia giuridica romana / 1
KJA190 .L54 1987 Die Jurisprudenz im spätantiken Italien (260-640 n. Chr.) / 1
KJA190 .L543 2002 Römische Jurisprudenz in Gallien (2. bis 8. Jahrhundert) / 1