Call Number (LC) Title Results
KJA2190 .S25 1886r Institutes and history of Roman private law : with catena of texts / 1
KJA2190 .S2513 1886i Institutes and history of Roman private law with catena of texts / 1
KJA2190 .S285 2016 System des heutigen römischen Rechts Band 2 1
KJA2190 .S65 1917 Institutionen : Geschichte und System des römischen Privatrechts / 1
KJA2190 .S65 1933 Institutionen : Geschichte und System des römischen Privatrechts / 1
KJA2190 .S6513 1901 The Institutes : a text-book of the history and system of Roman private law / 1
KJA2190 .S6513 1907 The Institutes : a textbook of the history and system of Roman private law / 1
KJA2190 .S6513 1907i The Institutes a textbook of the history and system of Roman private law / 1
KJA2190 .S6513 1994a The Institutes : a textbook of the history and system of Roman private law / 1
KJA2190 .W39 1991 Studies in Roman private law / 2
KJA2190 .W47 1908i History of the Roman-Dutch law 1
KJA2190 ebook Cuadros, gráficos y tests de derecho privado romano /
Elementos de derecho privado romano /
KJA2192 Efectos extinctivos de la confusión en las relaciones jurídicas en derecho romano 1
KJA2192 .G78 2002 Women and the law in the Roman Empire : a sourcebook on marriage, divorce and widowhood / 1
KJA2192 .G78 2002eb Women and the law in the Roman Empire : a sourcebook on marriage, divorce and widowhood / 3
KJA2192 .R38 1873i De jure personarum, or, A treatise on the Roman law of persons intended for students preparing for examination / 1
KJA2192 .S29 1884 Jural relations : or, The Roman law of persons as subjects of jural relations : being a translation of the second book of Savigny's System of modern Roman law / 1
KJA2194 .B37 1929 ... Partvs ancillae ... 1
KJA2194 .D844 1971i Personality in Roman private law 1
KJA2194 ebook La persona y la propiedad en el derecho romano : análisis a través de sus etapas históricas y su influencia en el derecho civil vigente / 1