Call Number (LC) Title Results
KJA2512.S28 B76 An epitome and analysis of Savigny's treatise on obligations in Roman law / 1
KJA2512 .W37 1965 The law of obligations in the later Roman Republic. 1
KJA2512 .Z55 1990 The law of obligations : Roman foundations of the civilian tradition / 1
KJA2512 .Z55 1996i The law of obligations Roman foundations of the civilian tradition / 1
KJA2512 ebook La obligatio en el derecho romano : evolución histórico-jurídica y su proyección en el derecho civil actual /
Derecho patrimonial romano.
Custodiam Praestare : la prestación de custodia en el Derecho Romano /
KJA2514 .B46 1992 Übungsbuch zum römischen Schuldrecht / 1
KJA2514 .L8 1992 Senatusconsultum Macedonianum / 1
KJA2520 .C676 1964 Naturalis obligatio : essai sur l'origine et l'évolution de la notion en droit romain / 1
KJA2524 .G45 1894i Zur dogmatik des römischen bürgschaftsrechts 1
KJA2529.C64 S88 1694 Disputatio juridica, de compensationibus: quam favente deo opt. max. / 1
KJA2532 .N67 1960 Die Fahrlässigkeit im byzantinischen Vertragsrecht / 1
KJA2534 .K57 1987 Sons, slaves and freedmen in Roman commerce / 1
KJA2542 .G35 1992 Synallagma e conventio nel contratto : ricerca degli archetipi della categoria contrattuale e spunti per la revisione di impostazioni moderne : corso di diritto romano / 1
KJA2542 .H3 1878 A brief digest of the Roman law of contracts / 1
KJA2542 .P54 2012 Letting and hiring in Roman legal thought /
Letting and hiring in Roman legal thought : 27 BCE - 284 CE /
KJA2542 .S26 1997 Il socio d'opera in diritto romano : conferimenti e responsabilità / 1
KJA2542 ebook Derecho privado : estudios sobre la formación del contrato en Europa y la representación aparente / 1
KJA2544 .E83 1907i Contracts of minors as viewed by Roman law 1
KJA2544 .F75 2021 A casebook on the Roman law of contracts / 1
KJA2544 .S77 1576 Tractatus de mercatura seu mercatore : omnia quae ad hoc genus pertinent fusissimè complectens / 1