Call Number (LC) Title Results
KJA2440 .S38 1827 Das Recht des Besitzes. 1
KJA2450 Disposiciones Legales Sobre Edificaciones Privadas Estudio Particular de la Mujer Propietaria. 1
KJA2450 .C266 1994 Proprietà e signoria in Roma antica / 1
KJA2450 .M655 2019 Disposiciones legales sobre edificaciones privadas : estudio particular de la mujer propietaria / 1
KJA2450 .S75 1976 Studies in Roman property / 1
KJA2450 ebook Derecho patrimonial romano. 1
KJA2477 .V56 2004 Fines regere : il regolamento dei confini dall'età arcaica a Giustiniano / 1
KJA2489.R57 B36 2009 Gardens and neighbors : private water rights in Roman Italy / 1
KJA2489.R57 B36 2009eb Gardens and neighbors : private water rights in Roman Italy / 1
KJA2489.R57 B36 2020 A casebook on Roman water law / 1
KJA2489.R57 ebook El agua res commune omnium : acciones procesales e interdictos romanos en defensa de su acceso y conservación / 1
KJA2500 .Z347 2017 La Superficies en Derecho Romano 1
KJA2505 Security and credit in Roman law : the historical evolution of Pignus and Hypotheca / 1
KJA2506 .N6615 1999 Die fiduzia im römischen Recht / 1
KJA2508 .S33 1987 Die Konvaleszenz von Pfandrechten im klassischen römischen Recht / 1
KJA2510 .J33 1908i Justinian's digest (book 20) with an English translation and an essay on the law of mortgage in the Roman law / 1
KJA2512 La definizione di obligatio, tra diritto e morale : Appunti didattici.
The law of obligations Roman foundations of the civilian tradition /
KJA2512 .B57 2014 The Roman law of obligations : the collected papers of Peter Birks / 1
KJA2512 .O25 2008 Obligations in Roman law : past, present, and future / 3
KJA2512 .R66 2020 Roman law and economics. 1