Call Number (LC) Title Results
KJA3570 .S36 1989 Diritto e processo penale nell'antica Roma / 1
KJA3570 .S36 1998 Diritto e processo penale nell'antica Roma / 1
KJA3570 .V368 1996 Processo penale e società nella Roma repubblicana / 1
KJA3612 .B38 1996 Crime and punishment in ancient Rome / 1
KJA3612 .B38 1996eb Crime and punishment in ancient Rome /
Crime and punishment in ancient Rome
KJA3612 .M456 2007 Mémoire et histoire : les procédures de condamnation dans l'antiquité romaine / 1
KJA3620.D47 El exilio en el Corpus iuris civilis 1
KJA3620.P74 H56 1985 Les proscriptions de la Rome républicaine / 1
KJA3630.F67 P53 2022 Financial penalities in the Roman Republic : a study of the confiscations of individual property, public sales, and fines (509-58 BC) / 1
KJA3642 .W65 1988 Das Senatusconsultum Silanianum und die Senatsrede des C. Cassius Longinus aus dem Jahre 61 n. Chr. / 1
KJA3652 La apelacion civil en la legislacion de Justiniano. 1
KJA3652 .A383 2008 La Apelación Civil en la Legislación de Justiniano 1
KJA3652 .P474 2000 L'appello nella legislazione del tardo impero / 1
KJC2 .L337 2022i The Law & Politics of Brexit the protocol on Ireland / Northern Ireland / 1
KJC3 .M53 1963 Legal sources and bibliography of the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) / 1
KJC3 .R69 1986 Law and jurisprudence in the sixteenth century : an introductory bibliography / 1
KJC3 .U56 1966 Union list of West European legal literature : publications held by libraries in Oxford, Cambridge and London. 1
KJC6 .Y42 Yearbook of European law. 1
KJC8 .E97 European legal book index. 1
KJC9 .H54 Highlights of current legislation and activities in mid-Europe. 1