Call Number (LC) Title Results
KJA907.1 .N69 1959 Questions and answers on Roman law. 1
KJA907.1 .P15 1953 Storia della ricerca delle interpolazioni nel Corpus iuris giustinianeo. 1
KJA907.1 .P84 1972 The Roman law of property and obligations; an historical introduction to some of the main institutions. 1
KJA907.1 .R49 1881 Introduction historique au droit romain; manuel-programme pour servir aux cours universitaires et à l'étude privée, comprenant une chrestomathie élémentaire et quelques linéaments d'histoire littéraire et biographique, 1
KJA907.1 .R63 1972 Owners and neighbours in Roman law. 1
KJA907.1 .R64 1954 Apokrimata: decisions of Septimius Severus on legal matters. Text, translation, and historical analysis / 1
KJA907.1 .R64 1975 Roman laws and charters, and Three Spanish charters and other documents / 1
KJA907.1 .S15 1880 Lehrbuch der Institutionen und der Geschichte des Römischen Privatrechts für den Akademischen Gebrauch. 1
KJA907.1 .S35 1971 An American experience in Roman law. Writings from publications in the United States. 1
KJA907.1 .S353 1926 Offences against the state in Roman law and the courts which were competent to take cognisance of them / 1
KJA907.1 .S46 1968 Der Tatbestand der negotiorum gestio in römischen Recht. 1
KJA907.1 .S65 Scritti di diritto romano / 1
KJA907.1 .S74 1958 Fault in the formation of contract in Roman law and Scots law. 1
KJA907.1 .S74 1966 Regulae iuris : from juristic rules to legal maxims. 1
KJA907.1 .S78 1983 Studies in Justinian's Institutes : in memory of J.A.C. Thomas / 1
KJA907.1 .T31 1929 Lex Aquilia : (Digest IX, 2, Ad legem Aquiliam) text, translation, and commentary. On gifts between husband and wife (Digest XXIV, 1, De donationibus inter virum et uxorem) text and commentary / 1
KJA907.1 .T36 1976 Textbook of Roman law / 1
KJA907.1 .T64 1870 A compendium of the modern Roman law : founded upon the treatises of Puchta, von Vangerow, Arndts, Franz Moehler, and the Corpus juris civilis / 1
KJA907.1 .V15 1985 History and principles of Roman private law / 1
KJA907.1 .V64 1952 Der Begriff des "ius naturale" im römischen Recht. 1