KJA907.1 .S74 1966
Regulae iuris : from juristic rules to legal maxims. |
1 |
KJA907.1 .S78 1983
Studies in Justinian's Institutes : in memory of J.A.C. Thomas / |
1 |
KJA907.1 .T31 1929
Lex Aquilia : (Digest IX, 2, Ad legem Aquiliam) text, translation, and commentary. On gifts between husband and wife (Digest XXIV, 1, De donationibus inter virum et uxorem) text and commentary / |
1 |
KJA907.1 .T36 1976
Textbook of Roman law / |
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KJA907.1 .T64 1870
A compendium of the modern Roman law : founded upon the treatises of Puchta, von Vangerow, Arndts, Franz Moehler, and the Corpus juris civilis / |
1 |
KJA907.1 .V15 1985
History and principles of Roman private law / |
1 |
KJA907.1 .V64 1952
Der Begriff des "ius naturale" im römischen Recht. |
1 |
KJA907.1 .W15 1903
Historical introduction to the Roman law / |
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KJA907.1 .W18 1967
The law of persons in the later Roman Republic / |
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KJA907.1 .W18 1968
The law of property in the later Roman Republic / |
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KJA907.1 .W18 1971
Roman private law around 200 B.C / Alan Watson. |
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KJA907.1 .W18 1971a
The law of succession in the later Roman Republic / |
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KJA907.1 .W18 1974
Law making in the later Roman Republic / |
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KJA907.1 .W18 1975
Rome of the XII Tables : persons and property / |
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KJA907.1 .W23 1940
Institutes of the Roman law of civil procedure / |
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KJA907.1 .W28 1949
Vertràˆge zugunsten Dritter : Rechtsgeschichtliches und Rechtsvergleichendes. |
1 |
KJA907.1 .W45 1929
Willis and Oliver's Roman law examination guide for bar and university : Questions and answers. |
1 |
KJA907.10 .C12
Collectio bibliographica operum ad ius Romanum pertinentium / |
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KJA907.10 .C121
Supplementum I, index notarum cumulativus, voluminum 1-20 (1949-1968) / |
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KJA907.10 .C122
Supplementum II, index rerum cumulativus, voluminum 11-20 / |
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