Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
KJC1820 |
El Alojamiento Colaborativo. Problemática Jurídica Actual de Las Viviendas de Uso Turístico El alojamiento colaborativo o el nuevo hospedaje low cost El alojamiento colaborativo o el nuevo hospedaje low cost. |
3 |
KJC1825 .S56 2007 | Shopping centre lease : a pan-European overview / | 1 |
KJC1886 | Regulating unfair banking practices in Europe the case of personal suretyships / | 1 |
KJC1886 .C76 2007 | Cross-border security over tangibles / | 1 |
KJC1886 .F88 2008eb | The future of secured credit in Europe / | 1 |
KJC1886 .R44 2010i | Regulating unfair banking practices in Europe the case of personal suretyships / | 1 |
KJC2044.3 .C66i | Commercial laws of Eastern & Central Europe | 1 |
KJC2045 | Pratiche commerciali scorrette e autonomia privata / | 1 |
KJC2045 .A56 2023i | Artificial intelligence and market abuse legislation a European perspective / | 1 |
KJC2045 .D48 2020 | The development of commercial law in Sweden and Finland (early modern period-nineteenth century) / | 1 |
KJC2045 .D64 | Common market reporter. Doing business in Europe. | 1 |
KJC2045 .D65 | Doing business in Europe. | 1 |
KJC2045 .E26 2001 | E-commerce Law and Practice in Europe | 1 |
KJC2045 .G72 1991 | Euromarket finance : issues of Euromarket securities and syndicated Eurocurrency loans / | 1 |
KJC2045 H65 1997 | Grundrechtliche Gewährleistungspflichten : ein Beitrag zu einer allgemeinen Grundrechtsdogmatik / | 1 |
KJC2045 .L43 1992 | Legal texts, Central/Eastern Europe and Baltic States : list of recently enacted commercial laws & regulations / | 1 |
KJC2045 .O74 2013 | The organizational contract : from exchange to long-term network cooperation in European contract law / | 1 |
KJC2045 .R56 2020 | Business negotiations and the law : the protection of weak professional parties in standard form contracting / | 2 |
KJC2045 .S7 1960 | American enterprise in the European common market : a legal profile / | 1 |
KJC2045 .T44 1988 | Telebanking, teleshopping and the law / | 1 |