Call Number (LC) Title Results
KJC4426 .J33 2007 The Sovereignty of Law : the European Way /
The sovereignty of law : the European way /
KJC4426 .L38 2013 The concept of the rule of law and the European Court of Human Rights / 1
KJC4426 .L38 2014i The concept of the rule of law and the European Court of Human Rights 1
KJC4426 .R36 2013eb Nationalism and the rule of law : lessons from the Balkans and beyond / 1
KJC4426 .R36 2014 Nationalism and the Rule of Law : Lessons from the Balkans and Beyond.
Nationalism and the rule of law : lessons from the Balkans and beyond /
KJC4426 .R48 2005 Rethinking the rule of law after communism / 2
KJC4426 .R48 2005eb Rethinking the rule of law after communism / 1
KJC4426 .R85 1998 The rule of law after communism : problems and prospects in east-central Europe / 1
KJC4426 .R8523 2021 Rule of law, common values, and illiberal constitutionalism : Poland and Hungary within the European Union / 1
KJC4431.A35 R38 1996 Ratificación del tratado de la Unión Europea : trabajos preparatorios = Ratificering af traktaten om den Europæiske Union : forberedende arbejde = Ratification of the Treaty on European Union : preparations. 1
KJC4431 .A8 1996 The constitutional heritage of Europe : proceedings of the UniDem Seminar organised in Montpellier (France) on 22 and 23 November 1996 in co-operation with the Centre d'études et de recherches comparatives constitutionnelles et politiques (CERCOP), Faculty of Law, University of Montpellier. 1
KJC4431 .A8 1998 Recht und Verfassung im Übergang vom Mittelalter zur Neuzeit. 1
KJC4431 .C34 1995 An historical introduction to western constitutional law / 3
KJC4431 .C34 1995eb An historical introduction to western constitutional law / 1
KJC4431 .C37 1902r European constitutional history, or, The origin and development of the governments of modern Europe : from the fall of the western Roman Empire to the close of the nineteenth century / 1
KJC4431 .C37 2003i European constitutional history or, The origin and development of the governments of modern Europe, from the fall of the western Roman empire to the close of the nineteenth century /
European constitutional history, or, The origin and development of the governments of modern Europe from the fall of the western Roman Empire to the close of the nineteenth century /
KJC4431 .C658 2013eb Constitutions in the global financial crisis : a comparative analysis / 1
KJC4431 .C66 1933i La costituzione degli stati nell'età moderna saggi storico-giuridici a cura del Comitato internazionale di scienze storiche. 1
KJC4431 .C66 2014 Constitutionalism, legitimacy, and power : nineteenth-century experiences / 1
KJC4431 .C66 2016 Constitutions in the global financial crisis a comparative analysis / 1