Call Number (LC) Title Results
KJE4443.3 1992 .R44 1996 Reforming the Treaty on European Union : the legal debate / 1
KJE4443.319 .R48 1996 Reviewing Maastricht : issues for the 1996 IGC / 1
KJE4443.31957.A12 I5 1957 Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) : and connected documents. 1
KJE4443.31957 .A2 1962i Treaty Establishing the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) Rome, 25th March, 1957. 1
KJE4443.31957 .A2 2010 Consolidated version of the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community 1
KJE4443.31957 .E54 2021 Handbook on European nuclear law : competences of the Euratom Community under the Euratom Treaty / 1
KJE4443.319575 Le trasformazioni istituzionali a sessant'anni dai Trattati di Roma : Atti di convegno (Catania, 31 marzo - 1 aprile 2017) 1
KJE4443.319575.A12 I5 1957 Treaty establishing the European Economic Community and connected documents. 1
KJE4443.319575 .A2 1957i Treaty establishing the European Economic Community and connected documents 1
KJE4443.319575 .A2 1962i Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community Rome, 25th March, 1957. 1
KJE4443.319575 .A2 1967i Treaty setting up the European Economic Community, Rome, 25th March, 1957 1
KJE4443.319575 .F67 1999 40 ans des Traités de Rome ou la capacité des Traités d'assurer les avancées de la construction européenne = 40 years of the Treaties of Rome-- = 40 Jahre Römische Verträge-- : Colloque universitaire organisé à la mémoire d'Emile Noël : Actes du colloque de Rome 26-27 mars 1997 / 1
KJE4443.319575 .T74 2021 Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union -- a commentary. 1
KJE4443.31986.A6 S56 1993 Ratificación del Acta Única Europea : trabajos preparatorios = Ratification of the Single European Act : preparations. 1
KJE4443.31986 .C37 1993 Law & business in the European single market / 1
KJE4443.3199.A3 E97 1995 European Union : selected instruments taken from the treaties. 1
KJE4443.31992 .A2 1992 Treaty on European union.
Measures which create the internal market : external dimension /
KJE4443.31992 .A2 1995 Fördrag om Europeiska Unionen = Treaty on European Union / 1
KJE4443.31992.A3 C48 1994 European union and European Community : a handbook and commentary on the post-Maastricht treaties / 1
KJE4443.31992.A3 C48 1995 European union and European Community : a handbook and commentary on the 1992 Maastricht treaties / 1