Call Number (LC) Title Results
KJE5105 .F35 2017eb The EU's Common Security and Defence Policy : learning communities in international organizations / 1
KJE5105 .F76 1990 From Helsinki to Vienna : basic documents of the Helsinki process / 1
KJE5105 .F87 1991 The Future of European Political Cooperation : essays on theory and practice / 2
KJE5105 .G36 2021 Rightful relations with distant strangers : Kant, the EU, and the wider world / 2
KJE5105.G44 2010 European Foreign and Security Policy : States. Power, Institutions. 2
KJE5105 .G44 2010eb European Foreign and Security Policy : States. Power, Institutions / 1
KJE5105 .G559 2001 The European Union in international politics : baptism by fire / 2
KJE5105 .G56 1989 Foreign policy actions of the European Community : the politics of scale / 1
KJE5105 .G84 1998 Guide for those chairing CFSP working groups / 1
KJE5105 .H65 2008 External relations law of the European Community : legal reasoning and legal discourses / 1
KJE5105 .K68 2006 EU international relations law / 1
KJE5105 .K68 2015 EU international relations law / 1
KJE5105 .K682 2006eb EU International Relations Law. 1
KJE5105 .K683 2001 Trade, foreign policy, and defence in EU constitutional law : the legal regulation of sanctions, exports of dual-use goods and armaments / 1
KJE5105 .K85 2021i The law of EU external relations cases, materials, and commentary on the EU as an international legal actor / 1
KJE5105 .L37 2016i Foreign policy objectives in European constitutional law 1
KJE5105 .L44 1996 Legal regulation of the European Community's external relations after the completion of the internal market / 1
KJE5105 .M33 1996 The external relations of the European communities : a manual of law and practice / 3
KJE5105 .M34 1997 The international relations law of the European Union / 1
KJE5105 .M38 1975eb La Comunidad Económica Europea : sus relaciones exteriores / 2