Call Number (LC) Title Results
KJE7974.95 1996 What kind of criminal policy for Europe? / 1
KJE7974.95 .W5 1996 What kind of criminal policy for Europe? / 1
KJE7975 Preventing and resolving conflicts of jurisdiction in EU criminal law : a European Law Institute instrument /
Legitimizing European criminal law : justification and restrictions /
Conflicts of criminal jurisdiction and transfer of proceedings in the EU /
The European arrest warrant and EU citizenship : EU citizenship in relation to foreseeability problems in the surrender procedure /
Research handbook on EU criminal law /
Human rights in European criminal law : new developments in European legislation and case law after the Lisbon Treaty /
KJE7975 .A43 2018 European criminal law / 1
KJE7975 .C68 2019 Citizenship, crime and community in the European Union / 1
KJE7975 .E54 1996 Enforcing European Community rules : criminal proceedings, administrative procedures, and harmonization / 1
KJE7975 .E965 2016eb EU criminal law and policy : values, principles, and methods / 1
KJE7975 .F567 2014 Droit pénal européen : Les enjeux d'une justice penale européenne. 1
KJE7975 .G56 2015 Globalisation, criminal law and criminal justice : theoretical, comparative and transnational perspectives / 1
KJE7975 .G66 2015 European federal criminal law : the federal dimension of EU criminal law / 1
KJE7975 .H47 2014 The Constitutional Dimension of European Criminal Law. 1
KJE7975 .J346 2017 Europäisches Strafrecht 1
KJE7975 .L44 2016 Legitimacy and trust in criminal law, policy and justice : norms, procedures, outcomes / 1
KJE7975 .L54 2018i Preventing and resolving conflicts of jurisdiction in EU criminal law a European Law Institute instrument / 1
KJE7975 .M58 2009eb EU criminal law / 1
KJE7975 .P47 2014eb Legitimacy and trust in criminal law, policy, and justice : norms, procedures, outcomes / 1
KJE7975 .S74 2008eb Towards a European criminal record / 1
KJE7975 ebook El derecho penal europeo /
El moderno derecho penal económico empresarial y de la globalización económica /
KJE8643 Fraud and corruption in EU funding the problematic use of European funds and solutions / 1
KJE8643.A72 H23 2017eb Computerkriminalität im Europäischen Strafrecht : Kompetenzverteilung, Harmonisierungen und Kooperationsperspektiven / 1