Call Number (LC) Title Results
KJE836 .B56 1988 The external relations of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance / 1
KJE854.A13 C67 COST : collected agreements concluded within the framework of European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research. 1
KJE887.5 .S9313 1985 The CMEA uniform law for international sales / 1
KJE889.6.D35 C43 1923i The regime of the international rivers Danube and Rhine / 1
KJE901 .S56 1996 Researching the European Union / 1
KJE901 .T47 1989 The documentation of the European communities : a guide / 1
KJE903 .E972 European Union news. 1
KJE908 Supplement to the Official journal of the European Communities. 1
KJE908 .E97 EUROVOC : annex to the Index to the Official journal of the European Communities. 1
KJE908.O33 L43 budget Final adoption of the general budget of the European Communities for the financial year ... / 1
KJE908 .O34 Official journal of the European Union. 1
KJE908 .O34i Official journal of the European Union 1
KJE 908.2 .I55 Index to the Official journal of the European Union 1
KJE916 Text, Cases & Materials On European Union Law. 1
KJE916 .B37 1986 Basic community laws / 1
KJE916 .B37 1992 Basic community laws / 1
KJE916 .B37 1993 Basic community laws / 2
KJE916 .B37 1996 Basic community laws / 2
KJE916 .B53 Blackstone's EC legislation. 1
KJE916 .E55 Encyclopedia of European Community law / 1