Call Number (LC) Title Results
KJE105 .M56 Official gazette of the Council of Europe. 1
KJE105 .P37 Official gazette of the Council of Europe. 1
KJE112 .C66 Texts adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe = Textes adoptés par le Comité des Ministres du Conseil de l'Europe. 1
KJE112.C66 D493 The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe / 1
KJE121 The Council of Europe : its laws and policies /
Good administration and the Council of Europe : law, principles, and effectiveness /
KJE121 .P65 1999 Treaty-making in the Council of Europe / 1
KJE121 .R63 1956i The Council of Europe its structure, functions and achievements / 1
KJE121 .R63 1961i The Council of Europe its structure, functions and achievements / 1
KJE121 .S74 2020i Good administration and the Council of Europe law, principles, and effectiveness / 1
KJE125 .B46 2005 Council of Europe law : towards a pan-European legal area / 1
KJE129 .C68 2011 Statute of the Council of Europe and texts of statutory character = Statut du Conseil de l'Europe et textes à caractère statutaire. 1
KJE442.3 .T732 1987 Treaties establishing the European Communities (ECSC, EEC, EAEC) : Single European Act : other basic instruments. 1
KJE564 .E47 Report of the EFTA Court / 1
KJE567 2004 The EFTA Court : ten years on / 1
KJE567 2005eb The EFTA Court : ten years on / 1
KJE590 .B38 2019 Judicial independence : memoirs of a European judge / 1
KJE621 .L44 1994 Business law in the European Economic Area / 1
KJE621 .M46 2009 EC and EEA law : a comparative study of the effectiveness of European law / 1
KJE623.A351992 F56 2018 The EEA Agreement in a Revised EU Framework for Welfare Services / 1
KJE824 ebook Mercado, protección del consumidor y uniformización del derecho / 1