Call Number (LC) Title Results
KJK2064.51831 .A6 1972i Belgische Grondwet Constitution belge. 1
KJK2064.51831 .A6 1982i The Constitution of Belgium of 7 February 1831 1
KJK2064.51831 .A6 2014i 7 fevrier 1831, constitution de la Belgique
7 februari 1831, grondwet van Belgie
KJK2064.51831 .F68 1893i La constitution belge révisée 1
KJK2064.51831 .G47 1869i Études historiques et critiques sur la constitution belge suivies du texte de cette loi fondamentale / 1
KJK2064.51831 .N48 1842i La Constitution belge expliquée par le Congrès national, les Chambres, et la Cour de cassation, ou compte-rendu des débats qui ont eu lieu sur cette loi suprême, suivi des arrêts rendus en matière constitutionnelle par la Cour de cassation de Belgique / 1
KJK2064.51831 .T56 1879i La Constitution belge annotée offrant sous chaque article l'état de la doctrine de la jurisprudence et de la léglislation / 1
KJK2064.51931 .A6 1982i The Constitution of Belgium and the Belgian Civil Code, (as amended to September 1, 1982 in the Moniteur belge) 1
KJK2064.51994 .A6 1994i The Belgian Constitution 1
KJK2064.51994 .A6 2007i The Belgian Constitution 1
KJK2064.51994 .A6 2009i The Belgian Constitution 1
KJK2064.51994 .A6 2012i The Belgian Constitution 2
KJK2064.51994 .A6 2014i The Belgian Constitution 1
KJK2064.51994 .A6 2017i The Belgian Constitution 1
KJK2064.51994 .A6 2019i La constitution belge 1
KJK2064.51994 .A6 2020i The Belgian Constitution 1
KJK2064.51994 .A6 2021i The Belgian Constitution (English translation) / 1
KJK2064.51994 .Z8 1997i The coordinated Belgian constitution, 1994, amending laws, amending laws of 1994-1999, revision of 20 May 1997 [re: Art. 130] 1
KJK2064.51994 .Z8 1998i The coordinated Belgian constitution, 1994, amending laws, amending laws of 1994-1999, revision of 17 June 1998 [re: Art. 125]
The coordinated Belgian constitution, 1994, amending laws, amending laws of 1994-1999, revision of 20 November 1998 [re: Art. 151]
The coordinated Belgian constitution, 1994, amending laws, amending laws of 1994-1999, revision of 12 June 1998 [re: Art. 103]
The coordinated Belgian constitution, 1994, amending laws, amending laws of 1994-1999, revision of 11 December 1998 [re: Art. 8]
KJK2064.51994 .Z8 1999i The coordinated Belgian constitution, 1994, amending laws, amending laws of 1994-1999, revision of 12 March 1999 [re: Art. 41]
The coordinated Belgian constitution, 1994, amending laws, amending laws of 1994-1999, revision of 7 May 1999 [re: Art. 150]