Call Number (LC) Title Results
KJK2064.51994 .Z8 2000i The coordinated Belgian constitution, 1994, amending laws, amending laws of 2000-2009, revision of 16 May 2000 [re: Art. 147]
The coordinated Belgian constitution, 1994, amending laws, amending laws of 2000-2009, revision of 23 March 2000 [re: Art. 22bis]
KJK2064.51994 .Z8 2001i The coordinated Belgian constitution, 1994, amending laws, amending laws of 2000-2009, revision of 30 March 2001 [re: Art. 184] 1
KJK2064.51994 .Z8 2002i The coordinated Belgian constitution, 1994, amending laws, amending laws of 2000-2009, revision of 17 December 2002 [re: Art. 157]
The coordinated Belgian constitution, 1994, amending laws, amending laws of 2000-2009, revisions of 21 February 2002 [re: Arts. 10, 11bis]
KJK2064.51994 .Z8 2004i The coordinated Belgian constitution, 1994, amending laws, amending laws of 2000-2009, revision of 10 June 2004 [re: Art. 67] 1
KJK2064.51994 .Z8 2005i The coordinated Belgian constitution, 1994, amending laws, amending laws of 2000-2009, revisions of 6 December 2005 [re: Title IX prov. II, prov. IV, prov. V, Prov. VI]
The coordinated Belgian constitution, 1994, amending laws, amending laws of 2000-2009, revision of 25 February 2005 [re: Council:Parliament, consequential amendment of Arts. 41, 67, 68, 111, 115, 116, 117, 118, 118bis, 119, 120, 122, 123, 125, 127, 128, 129, 130, 132, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 151, 162, 166, 167, 175, 176, Title IX provs. IV, V]
The coordinated Belgian constitution, 1994, amending laws, amending laws of 2000-2009, revision of 26 March 2005 [re: Art. 41]
The coordinated Belgian constitution, 1994, amending laws, amending laws of 2000-2009, revision of 2 February 2005 [re: Art. 14bis]
KJK2064.51994 .Z8 2007i The coordinated Belgian constitution, 1994, amending laws, amending laws of 2000-2009, revisions of 7 May 2007 [re: Arts. 142; Title III Chapter V Section II]
The coordinated Belgian constitution, 1994, amending laws, amending laws of 2000-2009, revision of 25 April 2007 [re: Title Ibis, Art. 7bis]
KJK2064.51994 .Z8 2008i The coordinated Belgian constitution, 1994, amending laws, amending laws of 2000-2009, revision of 22 December 2008 [re: Art. 22bis] 1
KJK2064.51994 .Z8 2012i The coordinated Belgian constitution, 1994, amending laws, revision of 29 March 2012
The coordinated Belgian constitution, 1994, amending laws, revision of 22 August 2012
KJK2064.51994 .Z8 2014i The coordinated Belgian constitution, 1994, amending laws, amending laws of 2010-2014, revisions of 6 January 2014 [re: Arts. 5, 11bis, 23, 39bis, 39ter, 41, 43, 44, 46, 56, 57, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 100, 117, 118, 119, 123, 135bis, 142, 143, 144, 151, 162, 167, 170, 180] 1
KJK2064.51994 .Z8 2017i Révision de l’article 12 de la constitution 24 octobre 2017. 1
KJK2064.51994 .Z8 2019i Révision de l'article 149 de la constitution en ce qui concerne la publicité des jugements et des arrêts 22 avril 2019. 1
KJK2064.51994 .Z8 2021i Révision de la constitution visant à insérer au titre II de la constitution un article 22ter garantissant aux personnes en situation de handicap le droit à une pleine inclusion dans la société 17 mars 2021. 1
KJK2070 .L454 2014 Droit constitutionnel belge : Fondements et institutions. 1
KJK2070 .T74 1992 Treatise on Belgian constitutional law / 1
KJK2101 .G57 1884i Le droit public de la Belgique 1
KJK2101 .P68 1875i Les constitutions nationales belges de l'ancien régime à l'époque de l'invasion française de 1794 1
KJK2373 .F49 2013eb Beyond federal dogmatics : the influence of European Union law on Belgian constitutional case law regarding federalism / 2
KJK2467.J49 F73 2009 The fragility of law : constitutional patriotism and the Jews of Belgium, 1940-1945 / 1
KJK2467.M56 ǂb F73 2009eb The Fragility of Law : Constitutional Patriotism and the Jews of Belgium, 1940-1945. 1
KJK2467.M56 ǂb F73 2009eb The Fragility of Law : Constitutional Patriotism and the Jews of Belgium, 1940-1945. 1