Call Number (LC) Title Results
KJK8207.A31995 A6 1995 Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1
KJK8207.A31995 A6 1995i Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1
KJK8207.A31995 A6 2009i Amendment 1 to the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina
KJK8207.A321878 B67 1909i Law concerning the administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina, undertaken by Austria-Hungary in accordance with the Treaty of Berlin of July 31, 1878 1
KJK8207.A321878 B67 1928i Loi concernant l'administration de law Bosnie et de l'Herzégovine, confiée a l'Autriche-Hongrie par le traité de Berlin du 13 juillet 1878 1
KJK8207 .R68 2006i Bosnia and Herzegovina draft amendments to the constitution. 1
KJK8210 .P47 2002i Constitutional reform and the 'spirit' of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1
KJK8246 .H86i Human Rights Chamber for Bosnia and Herzegovina Dom za ljudsk prava za Bosnu i Hercegovinu. 1
KJK8269 Law, state and religion in Bosnia and Herzegovina / 1
KJK8454.5 .J44 2020 The edge of law : legal geographies of a war crimes court / 1
KJK8454.5 J444 2019 The Edge of Law Legal Geographies of a War Crimes Court. 1
KJK8454.5 .R84 2015 War crimes trials in Bosnia and Herzegovina : selected aspects of transitional justice mechanisms / 1
KJM41.P48 P48 1913i Obvinitelen akt protiv Racho Petrov, Petr Gudev, Nikola Genadiev, Mikhail Savov, Ivan Khalachev, po obvinenieto im v narushenie na Konstitut͡si͡ata chri͡ez sistematicheskogo narushenie na zakoniti͡e i v vri͡eda prichinena na dŭrzhavata za lichna polza 1
KJM47 .L44 1956i Legal sources and bibliography of Bulgaria 1
KJM80.W65 V5313 1976 Legal status of women in Bulgaria : (collection of legal stipulations with annotations) / 1
KJM500 .V38 2022 Bulgarian private law at crossroads / 1
KJM900.10B851971 900.10 B85 1971 Constitution of the People's Republic of Bulgaria. Adopted by a national referendum on May 16, 1971. 1
KJM901.8S561956 901.8 S56 1956 Legal sources and bibliography of Bulgaria / 1
KJM962U541955 962 U54 1955 Inquiry into the legality of the communist rule in Bulgaria. 1
KJM1220 .B85i Bulgaria trademarks 1