Call Number (LC) Title Results
KJP5004.18 .K35 1892i C̓eské státní právo historicky vykládá / 1
KJP5004.18 .T66 1872i Das böhmische Staatsrecht und die Entwickelung der österreichischen Reichsidee vom Jahre 1527 bis 1848 eine rechtsgeschichtliche Studie / 1
KJP5407.8.C65 Interception of electronic communications in the Czech Republic and Slovakia / 1
KJP5409.2 Právní překlad v teorii a praxi : nový občanský zákoník / 1
KJP5412 Czech law in historical contexts / 1
KJP5423.2 .G73 2015eb For the common good : the Bohemian land law and the beginning of the Hussite Revolution / 1
KJP5446.3 Soudcokracie, nebo judicializace politiky? : vztah práva a politiky (nejen) v časech krize / 1
KJP5448 Czech private international law. 1
KJP5508.9 .A49 2016 Obchodní korporace v judikatuře českých a zahraničních soudů / 1
KJP5522 .C94i Czech Republic trademarks 1
KJP5543 Role lokálních projektů v české politice zaměstnanosti : evaluační studie projektu zaměřeného na zvýšení zaměstnatelnosti zdravotně postižených osob a osob starších padesáti let / 1
KJP5607.A31918 A6 1918i Interim Constitution of Czechoslovakia November 13, 1918. 1
KJP5607.A3192 A6 1931i The Constitutional Charter of the Czechoslovak Republic 1
KJP5607.A31948 A6 1956i Constitution of Czechoslovakia, Prague, June 1948 1
KJP5607.A3196 A6 1964i The Constitution of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic 1
KJP5607.A3196 A6 1968i Constitution Czechoslovakia, July 11, 1960 1
KJP5607.A3196 A6 1971i The constitution of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic of July 11th, 1960, no. 100 as amended by other constitutional acts. 1
KJP5607.A31992 A3 1992i [Constitution of the Czech Republic, 1992/3, original text] 1
KJP5607.A31992 A6 2002i Constitution of the Czech Republic of 16 December 1992 as amended by constitutional acts no. 300/2000 Sb., no. 395/2001 Sb., no. 448/2001 Sb., and no. 515/2002 Sb., and as supplemented by constitutional act of 22 April 1998, no. 110/1998 Sb., on the security of the Czech Republic, and act no. 515/2002 Sb., concerning the referendum on the Czech Republic's accession to the European Union. 1
KJP5607.A31992 A6 2009i Constitution of the Czech Republic of 16 December 1992 No. 1/1993 Sb. as amended by constitutional acts No. 347/1997 Sb., No. 300/2000 Sb., No. 395/2001 Sb., No. 448/2001 Sb., No. 515/2002 Sb., and No. 319/2009 Sb. 1