Call Number (LC) Title Results
KKG207.A31918 A6 1928i Loi, no 619, sur l'Union Dano-Islandaise (Dansk-islandsk Forbundslov), du 30 novembre 1918 1
KKG207.A3192 A6 1921i Danish law providing for the Union of Denmark and Iceland--Amalienborg, November 30, 1918 1
KKG207.A3192 A6 1928i Constitution islandaise (oversœttelse af forfatningslov for kongeriget island), votée par l'Alting le 28 févier 1920 1
KKG207.A3192 A6 1932i Constitutional law of the Kingdom of Iceland--Sorgenfri, May 18, 1920 1
KKG207.A31944 .A6 1950i Constitution de la République d'Islande 1
KKG207.A31944 A6 1950i The Constitution of the Republic of Iceland, June 17, 1944 1
KKG207.A31944 A6 1953i Constitution of Iceland, June 17, 1944 1
KKG207.A31944 A6 1964i The constitution of the Republic of Iceland 2
KKG207.A31944 A6 1968i Constitution of Iceland, June 17, 1944, as amended August 14, 1959 1
KKG207.A31944 A6 1992i Constitution of the Republic of Iceland 1
KKG207.A31944 A6 1995i Stjórnarskrá lýðveldisins Íslands 1
KKG207.A31944 A6 2013i Stjórnarskrá lýðveldisins Íslands, 1944 nr. 33 17. júní 1
KKG207.A31944 A613 1999i The Constitution of the Republic of Iceland of 17 June 1944, as most recently amended by Constitutional Laws No. 65 of 30 May 1984, No. 56 of 31 May 1991, No. 97 of 28 June 1995, No. 100 of 28 June 1995, and No. 77 of 24 June 1999.
The Constitution of the Republic of Iceland No. 33, 17 June 1944, as amended 30 May 1984, 31 May 1991, 28 June 1995 and 24 June 1999.
KKG207.A321871 D46 1880i Lov om Islands forfatningsmæssige stilling i riget, Amalienborg ben 2den Januar 1871 1
KKG207.A321871 D46 1891i Loi (danoise) sur la situation constitutionnelle de L'Islande dans la monarchie du 2 janiver 1871 1
KKG207.A321871 D46 1898i Ley (danesa) sobre la situación constitucional de la Islandia en la Monarquia del 2 de enero de 1871 1
KKG207.A321871 D46 1910i Loi (danoise) sur la situation constitutionnelle de L'Islande dans la monarchie du 2 janiver 1871 1
KKG207.A321933 I34 1938i Constitutional law amending the Constitution of the Kingdom of Iceland--November 22, 1933 1
KKG207.A321941 I34 1952i Resolutions passed by the Icelandic Althing providing for the severing of the Danish-Icelandic Act of Union, election of a regent and creation of a republic after formal severance--Reykjavik, May 17, 1941 1
KKG207.A321991 I34 1991i Stjórnarskipunarlög um breytingu á stjórnarskrá lýðveldisins Íslands, nr. 33/1944, með síðari breytingum 1