Call Number (LC) Title Results
KKF3500 .R33 1987i Press law in Hungary 1
KKF4657 .F67 1952i Forced labor and confinement without trial in Hungary 1
KKG12 .M55 1990 Bloodtaking and peacemaking : feud, law, and society in Saga Iceland / 2
KKG12 .M55 1990 E-book Bloodtaking and peacemaking : feud, law, and society in Saga Iceland / 2
KKG14 .H64 2011 Hafliði Másson und die Einflüsse des römischen Rechts in der Grágás / 1
KKG20.5.O87 W35 2021 Excommunication and outlawry in the legal world of medieval Iceland / 1
KKG126 .U55 1970i Labor law and practice in Iceland 1
KKG194 .S74 1982 Íslenskur gjaldÞrotaréttur / 1
KKG207.A31874 A6 1880i Forfatningslov for Islands særlige Anliggender, Amalienborg, ben 5te Januar 1874 1
KKG207.A31874 A6 1881i Danish constitutional law of the Special Affairs of Iceland--Amalienborg, January 5, 1874 1
KKG207.A31874 A6 1883i Loi constitutionnelle sur les affaires particulières de l'Islande du 5 Janvier 1874 1
KKG207.A31874 A6 1898i Ley constitucional sobre los negocios particulares de la Islandia del 5 de enero de 1874 1
KKG207.A31874 A6 1910i Loi constitutionnelle sur les affaires particulières de l'Islande du 5 janvier 1874 (modifee le 3 october 1903) 1
KKG207.A31874 A6 1919i Danish constitutional law relative to the amend of the Constitutional Law for the Special Affairs of Iceland of January 5, 1874, and October 3, 1903--Amalienborg, June 19, 1915 1
KKG207.A31874 A6 1920i Danish law altering the number of ministers for Iceland under the Constitutional Law for the Special Affairs of Iceland--passed by the Althing, December 29, 1916 1
KKG207.A31918 A6 1928i Loi, no 619, sur l'Union Dano-Islandaise (Dansk-islandsk Forbundslov), du 30 novembre 1918 1
KKG207.A3192 A6 1921i Danish law providing for the Union of Denmark and Iceland--Amalienborg, November 30, 1918 1
KKG207.A3192 A6 1928i Constitution islandaise (oversœttelse af forfatningslov for kongeriget island), votée par l'Alting le 28 févier 1920 1
KKG207.A3192 A6 1932i Constitutional law of the Kingdom of Iceland--Sorgenfri, May 18, 1920 1
KKG207.A31944 .A6 1950i Constitution de la République d'Islande 1