Call Number (LC) Title Results
KKK207.A31868 A6 2010i Constitution of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg of 17 October 1868 (as amended to 12 March 2009) 1
KKK207.A31868 A6 2016i Constitution of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 17 October 1868 as amended to 18 October 2016 1
KKK207.A31868 A6 2017i Constitution of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 17 October 1868 as amended to 13 October 2017 1
KKK207.A31868 A6 2019i Constitution of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 17 October 1868 as amended to 6 December 2019 1
KKK207.A31868 A6 2020i Constitution of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 17 October 1868 as amended to 15 May 2020 1
KKK207.A321858 L89 1858i Loi du 13 janvier 1858, portant fixation de la liste civile Gesetz vom 13. Janner 1858, durch welches die Civilliste festgesetz wied. 1
KKK207.A321918 L89 1918i Revision de la constitution Revision der Verfassung. 1
KKK207.A321919 L89 1919i Modification de la constitution Abänderung der Verfassung. 1
KKK207.A321948 L89 1948i Révision de la constitution 1
KKK207.A321948 L892 1948i Révision de la constitution 1
KKK207.A321948 L893 1948i Révision de la constitution 1
KKK207.A321956 L89 1956i Révision de la constitution 1
KKK207.A321956 L892 1956i Révision de la constitution 1
KKK207.A321972 L89 1972i Révision de la constitution loi du 27 janvier 1972 portant revision de l'article 52 de la constitution. 1
KKK207.A321979 L89 1979i Révision de la constitution 1
KKK207.A321983 L89 1983i Revision de la constitution 1
KKK207.A321988 L89 1988i Loi du 13 décembre 1988 modifiant la loi du 8 février 1961 portant organisation du Conseil d'Etat 1
KKK207.A321989 L89 1989i Loi du 31 mars 1989 portant révision de l'article 63 de la Constitution, Loi du 31 mars 1989 portant révision de l'article 121 de la constitution 1
KKK207.A321989 L892 1989i Loi du 20 avril 1989 portant révision de l'article 91, alinéa 1 er de la constitution 1
KKK207.A321989 L893 1989i Amendments of 13 June 1989 [re: Arts. 23, 26, 45, 53, 76, 97] Amendment of 16 June 1989 [re: Art. 99] ; Amendment of 19 June 1989 [re: Art. 94] 1