Call Number (LC) Title Results
KLA3127 .P48 1993 Troubled lands : the legacy of Soviet environmental destruction / 1
KLA3190 The Soviet economic system : a legal analysis / 1
KLA3192 .A85 1993 Transition to a new model of economy and its constitutional reflections : proceedings of the UniDem Seminar organized in Moscow on 18 and 19 February 1993,in co-operation with the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation ... [et al] 1
KLA3406 The reorganization of Soviet foreign trade : legal aspects / 1
KLA3548.F6 D53 1996 Dictionary of taxation terms : English, Russian, German, French = Slovar terminov po nalogoob lozheniu : Angliiski, russki, nemyetski, frantsueski / 1
KLA4024 ebook La reincidencia en el delito / 1
KLA4415 .B88 1985f Major crimes against the Soviet state 1
KLA4812.P64 P75 1975 Prisoners of conscience in the USSR : their treatment and conditions. 1
KLB13 1992a Basic legal documents of the Russian Federation / 1
KLB41.S74 R46 2012i Report on appeal hearing of the Case #1-553/10; #22-2154/2011 at the Saint Petersburg City Court on April 21, 2011 1
KLB50.3 Experimental legal education in a globalized world : the Middle East and beyond / 2
KLB50.3 .I87 1999 I︠U︡ridicheskaii︠a︡ klinika : opyt prakticheskogo obuchenii︠a︡ i︠u︡ristov : uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie / 1
KLB54 .J673 2005eb Defending rights in Russia : lawyers, the state, and legal reform in the post-Soviet era / 1
KLB68 Study Manual on the Bases of Russian Law.
Russian Constitutional Law.
Everyday law in Russia /
KLB68 .B88 1999 Russian law / 1
KLB68 .B88 2009 Russian law / 1
KLB68 .B883 2014 Russian law and legal institutions / 1
KLB68 .D36 2004 Law and legal system of the Russian Federation / 1
KLB68 .D36 2009 Law and legal system of the Russian Federation / 1
KLB68 .D36 2020 Law and legal system of the Russian Federation / 1