Call Number (LC) Title Results
KLH207.A311995 G46 2010i The Constitution of Georgia 1
KLH207.A311995 G46 2011i [Constitution of 1995 as amended to 1 July 2011] 1
KLH207.A311995 G46 2012i [Constitution of Georgia, 1995, as amended to 2012] 1
KLH207.A311995 G46 2013i [Constitution of Georgia, 1995, as amended to 2013]
Constitution of Georgia
KLH207.A311995 G46 2017i Constitution of Georgia 1
KLH207.A311995 G46 2018i Constitution of Georgia 1
KLH207.A312017 G46 2017i Georgia draft revised Constitution as adopted by the Parliament of Georgia at the second reading on 23 June 2017 (with track changes indicating the amendments introduced before the second reading)
Georgia draft revised Constitution and draft constitutional law on the autonomous Republic of Adjara and explanatory memorandum on the draft constitutional amendments.
KLH207.A321995 G46 2011i [Parliament of Georgia] [amending law no. 5630 of 27 December 2011 to the Constitution of 1995] 1
KLH207.A322017 E97 2017i Georgia opinion on the draft revised constitution as adopted by the Parliament of Georgia at the second reading on 23 June 2017, adopted by the Venice Commission at its 112th plenary session (Venice, 6-7 October 2017) on the basis of comments by: Mr Nicos C. Alivizatos (member, Greece), Mr Josep Maria Castella Andreu (member, Spain), Mr Michael Frendo (member,Malta), Ms Regina Kiener (member, Switzerland). 1
KLH207.A322017 G46 2017i [Constitutional Law No. 1324-ES of 2017] 1
KLH207.A322017 G46 2020i [Constitutional Law No. 1324-ES of 2017] 2
KLH207.A322018 G46 2018i [Constitutional Law No. 2071-IIC of 2018] 1
KLH407 .R68 2005i Republic of Georgia legal aspects of abortion / 1
KLM46.8 .J83 2002 Judicial reform index for Moldova. 1
KLM46.8 .J832 2007 Judicial reform index for Moldova. 1
KLM160 .L44 2004 Legal profession reform index for Moldova. 1
KLM160.7 .M65 2004i Moldova the rule of law in 2004 / 1
KLM160.7 .R44 2013i Reforming the judiciary in Moldova prospects and challenges = Reformarea sistemului judiciar din Republic Moldova: perspective şi provocări. 1
KLM188.8.A15 R48i Revista nat̜ională de executare silită din Republica Moldova 1
KLM207.A311994 A53 2002 Analysis of the draft law on the constitutional court and amendments to the constitution for the Republic of Moldova. 1