Call Number (LC) Title Results
KLS207.A311993 K97 1996i [Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic] 1
KLS207.A311993 K97 1998i Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic (as amended October 21, 1998 by the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic, N134) 1
KLS207.A311993 K97 2001i [Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic] 1
KLS207.A311993 K97 2003i Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic 1
KLS207.A311993 K97 2006i [Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic] 1
KLS207.A311993 K97 2007i Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic new wording as approved by referendum on 21 October 2007 /
[Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic]
KLS207.A311993 K97 2008i Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, October 21st, 2007 1
KLS207.A31201 K97 2010i Draft Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic (published on 21 May 2010) / 1
KLS207.A31201 K97 2017i [Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, 2010]
Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic
KLS207.A312021 K97 2021i Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic (2021) 1
KLS207.A321996 K97 1996i [Law of 16 February 1996 No. 1] 1
KLS207.A321998 K97 1998i [Law of 21 October 1998 No. 134] 1
KLS207.A322001 K97 2001i [Law of 24 December 2001 No. 112] 1
KLS207.A322003 K97 2003i [Law of 18 February 2003 No. 40] 1
KLS207.A322006 K97 2006i [Law of 9 November 2006 No. 180] 1
KLS207.A322007 K97 2007i [Law of 15 January 2007 No. 2] 1
KLS207.A322007 K972 2007i [Law of 23 October 2007 No. 157] 1
KLS207.A32201 K97 2010i Law on enactment of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic 1
KLT5.5 .I25 2016i ICJ recommendations on the independence of the legal profession in the Republic of Tajikistan 1
KLT207.A311994 T33 2003i Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan, 1994 1